I just want to say, "where have you been all my life Avocado Toast &Eggs?!" This was my breakfast yesterday and yum, so good! And then my kids came in and begged for a bite and my son, who loves avocado tasted it and said "Yummy!" and went and got another fork from the drawer and said "I'm just gonna use my own fork..." Haha! And then I said "Nope, you already had your breakfast, this is mommy's. But I will make you guys avocado toast with eggs for lunch." And I did and they loved it, even though my daughter will say she doesn't like avocado if you ask her. So, just try it.
{This is going W E L L} Brian gave me this mug for Christmas, and it's my favorite.❤ All the work I've been doing to retrain my brain and heal my body has been going very well, and I am so excited and optimistic about the future! I mentioned previously that I would be starting the Dynamic Neural Retraining System, (DNRS), which works with neuroplasticity based techniques to heal an impaired limbic system, which is essentially a brain injury that results from trauma and causes your brain to process and store information as if you are in a constant state of "fight or flight", or emergency response. Trauma is relative to every individual, and there are different types of trauma; obvious things like death, war, victim of a crime, major accidents, and those sort of things are Traumas with a capital 'T'. Things like illness, chronic stress, unstable family life, negative relationships, and many others, are traumas with a little 't'; on ...
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