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Mashed sweet potatoes with bacon and Costco beef hot dogs and sauerkraut; my version of a traditional Dutch casserole called Zuurkool.  We've been really upping our intake of probiotic foods here to boost immune systems and counteract the damage of the antibiotics Brian and I are taking for pertussis, and this is my favorite way to eat sauerkraut.
Boiled eggs, GF toast, leftover roasted potatoes, and a glass of kombucha (probiotics!) and lemon water. I wish I had all this ready to eat right now...sounds so good.
Roasted baby potatoes, broccoli, green beans, and mini meatloaf. I used a pound each of our homegrown grass fed beef, ground turkey, and ground pork for the meatloaf. I love how pork gives a lot of flavor and keeps things moist, since beef and turkey can be too dry by themselves.
Meatballs made from the same meat mixture as the meatloaf, green beans, sweet potato/carrot puree with sauerkraut and bacon. Oh man, bacon on sweet potatoes....that's the kind of flavor combo dreams are made of.
Oatmeal with honey, cinnamon, milk, butter and pecans. We had this for dinner actually. I don't often eat oatmeal for breakfast (high carb/high sugar isn't ideal for balancing blood sugar, even though oats are good for you, and so is pretty much everything I put in our oatmeal now), but oatmeal for dinner is a fast and filling meal and the kids love it. We often add in nut butters too, as I like to have a good amount of healthy fat in there to slow digestion and help keep blood sugar from spiking too much.
Boiled eggs , broccoli, roasted potatoes. I love boiled eggs so much! Why don't I make them more often...? Oh yeah, because I end up peeling all of them for everyone... I would seriously pay someone to just boil and peel eggs for me. (yeah I know you can buy them, but how fresh are those eggs??)
Quite an interesting plateful here... Broccoli, green beans, salad with HM dressing and avocado, pulled pork and sweet potato carrot puree. This kind of plate usually happens when I want to eat what I made the rest of the family for dinner but want to up my veggies.
These are my three favorite things to batch cook: Cauli puree, sweet potato puree (or roasted/baked) and pork (or beef) roast. If you have these three things on hand, it goes a long way towards keeping you on track with those whole food eating goals.
Cauli puree, scrambled eggs, and GF toast. Like I've said before, cauli puree is my favorite way to eat vegetables for breakfast. Plus cauliflower is metabolism boosting, perfect start to the day.
Grilled asparagus, salad with HM dressing, and some frittata. I been grilling more veggies lately; it's the only way I really like to eat peppers, and I love the flavor it gives asparagus.
Decided to have a smoothie the other day...again, trying to boost immune system and keep my tummy happy in spite of the antibiotics I'm taking. I haven't been doing smoothies lately...just felt like my body wanted warm, cooked foods instead of cold, raw ones for breakfast. Just because something is healthy doesn't mean its what's right for your body right now. Trying to be more mindful of what I eat and listen to what my body actually wants. And you'd be surprised how often it's NOT chocolate or sugar or cereal or something like that...but you have to ignore what your brain tells you sometimes. Like, "Dessert makes you happy! You should have some!!" Don't get me wrong, I eat treats (like pretty much every day), but don't just eat it because you're thinking about it. See if its what your body wants right now. It gets easier with practice.
Speaking of treats, look at these lovely GF donuts from Rocket Donuts! I can't tell you how happy I am to find actual donuts that also happen to be gluten free. I like that these are a bit on the small side (between a mini donut and a normal donut). They were the tiniest bit dry, but they would be perfect with milk or tea. The glaze was delicious. It's been so so long since I had a real donut. Yum yum yum. Trying not to daydream about them too much. ;)

Salad with avocado oil and garlic salt, slice of ham , carrot sticks and two fried eggs. Sometimes I have a hard time eating a plateful of salad; eggs make it better.
Fritattas are still goin strong here; breakfast . lunch, dinner, snack- good good good.
Kombucha- the newest addition to our diet. I bought it because I don't like yogurt and I don't love sauerkraut, and (following my smoothie logic) its way easier to drink something I don't like than have to chew it first. But surprisingly, I actually LIKE this kombucha. What?!'s really not bad. I've read about it's health benefits but was really hesitant to try it because it sounded like it can be very strong and fermented tasting. This one however is quite mild and tastes similar to a pink lemonade to me, and while it smells a fair bit like apple cider vinegar, it doesn't taste like vinegar at all. Win! The kids find it a bit fizzy, but they are coming around; Nathaniel was even excited to drink his this morning. :)


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    1. I always batch cook those things since it makes the same amount of dirty dishes and only a tiny bit more work. And I just keep them in the fridge and eat them fresh.


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