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Workout Motivation

I've been working out almost every day for the past 10 days. Whenever I slack on it, it doesn't take long for me to notice my mood and energy and positive body image declining. I really just feel so much better when I do a good amount of fairly intense exercise. I usually do a good chunk (20-30min,sometimes 45-60) in the morning, and then stop and do 1-5 minutes of quick moves to boost my heart rate once or twice later in the day. My routine varies from treadmill, hand weights, exercise DVDs, trampoline, bike riding, walking, yoga and more. Keep it fresh! I do have some go to moves though, and a few YouTube videos I like to use, especially for the quick bursts later in the day.
So, one thing I keep reading is that you need to find "your motivation" if you want to really be able to stick to your workout goals. Surprisingly I struggled with that...even though it boosts my mood, gives me energy, promotes positive body image and just overall super good for you, I sometimes have a hard time making time to do a workout.
I will say, viewing your body as a gift from God, meant ultimately to be used for His glory and service, does help with positive body image. I am amazed and intrigued by the many systems of my body and I'm so grateful to be as well as I am. To God be the glory.
 However, as much as I want to take care of my body, I do not find this particularly motivating when it comes to fact, I often find it easier to think "I'm eating healthy, and God can use me like this, so...I can let the workout slide..."
I find that working out makes me hungrier, and I've had enough of being deprived diet wise, so weight loss isn't going to necessarily happen and that's not exactly what I'm going for... Toning, yes. But if I'm hungry, I'm gonna eat. So that feels counterproductive sometimes, so not ultimate motivation either.
But a few days ago, I told Brian " I just feel the best when I workout every day AND eat the cake."
(I was referring specifically to my chocolate birthday cake, which is basically my kryptonite 🍫, but there are other treats that I enjoy as well)
As soon as I said it, I knew that was it! That was my was the perfect balance for me, right now.
No deprivation, no guilt.
Perhaps it's unusual for someone who tries very hard to eat healthy and be well and promote personal health to have it come down to wanting to eat desserts every day guilt free...or maybe it's not. Do you know how enjoyable it is to eat something "bad" and just feel good about it?
Do the work, lose the guilt. Win-win.

Also, the desserts I make are almost always full of healthy, whole food ingredients, and have less impact on your blood sugar than your usual gluten and sugar and unhealthy fat filled mainstream that helps too. If you want to start making healthy treats, Google Paleo desserts to get started.
And ultimately, you have to find what works for you. My motivation may change, my body's needs may change. You have to be flexible.
But right now, it just comes down to the cake. And that works for me.


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