Ecclesiastes 3:11
"He has made everything beautiful in its time."
This verse offers hope and peace and understanding.
We don't always understand why things are happening in our lives. When I have a flare up, I usually feel really broken... discouraged, ugly, messy, weary, guilty.
I don't feel like I can help others when I can't even keep myself "together".
I don't feel I can be the best wife and mother when I have mood swings.
My first inclination is to withdraw, to lock myself away until the storms pass.
But then I definitely won't be helping anyone AND I might be missing the point of the storm...learning to weather life while living it. Perhaps God is trying to teach me patience like I pray He will. Would it not be better learned when I practice speaking calmly and kindly to my children even though inside I am a stressed and overwhelmed mess? Or maybe courage and hope, which can only be learned by pressing on through the darkness, rather than hiding in your own closet.
Fear says "everything is out of control, things aren't going my way, this is a disaster!" But faith and wisdom say "...But God meant it for good." (Genesis 50:20)
Last night in bed, I turned over to get more comfortable, slightly waking up Brian. In his sleep, he reached out and put his arm around me and pulled me close to him and said softly " You're such a beautiful woman." Never letting the opportunity to talk to him in his sleep pass by (because it's usually hilarious), I asked him, "What's your favorite thing about me?"
"That you're all mine", he answered, as he went back to sleep. Oh my heartπ I smiled and then tears went streaming down my face. I quickly wiped them so as not to soak his shoulder and wake him up again. I thought about how wonderful it is to be loved like this, by someone who sees it all who puts up with it all and still chooses to stay, every day.
And then I thought about God, who does the exact same thing on a much much greater and completely perfect level. Such love! So much grace.
God gave me this man to show me His love for me in a tangible way. Marriage is life abundant, a small taste of what is to come when we are in perfect and holy communion with our God and Saviour.
If my imperfect, human husband can love me so much, then how much more so the Saviour who loved me enough to die for me? He planned out my life and my salvation "before the foundations of the world", loved me when I was at enmity with Him, and gives me everything I need for daily life, why would He stop caring or leave me to myself now? I might feel broken or ugly or just a sinful mess, but He has already seen me at my worst.
He knows how bad things would be without Him.
And He still loves me.
He has also promised to complete His good work and "work all things together for my good." (Romans 8:28)
And in the darkness of life, when I am feeling so much self doubt, He pulls me close to Himself and whispers "You are altogether beautiful, my Beloved."
(Song of Solomon 4:7)
There is a beautiful purpose even to our suffering, so do not fear.
"He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us."
(2 Corinthians 1:4)
"Wait on the LORD,
Be of good courage,
And He will strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the LORD!"
(Psalm 27:14)
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