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FRUIT?! and a *Smoothie Recipe*

Alicia, my NAET practitioner, was investigating what would help balance my hormones, and one of the things she found was I needed to add fruit to my diet.
"Oh, whatevs, that's not weird..." right?
Actually, I hate fruit. All fruit. Except, once in a great while, I will taste some watermelon, which is usually disappointing; I'm a bad watermelon selector I guess. And yes I've read all the tricks(-.-)
Anyway, I need to add 1 cup of wild blueberries per day, plus apples, along with celery, ginger, spinach and asparagus.
The only way I've managed to get fruit down in the past is by juicing it, thereby eliminating the various textural issues that give me goosebumps just writing about. Fruit is so....crunchy-veiny-bursting-popping. Or mushy-sticky-slimy. Just yuck.
I know, I'm in the minority of the minority...
But NO juicing, she said. WHOLE fruit. (-.-) ok....
"SO, how do you see yourself getting this down?" she asked.
"Smoothie." I said. As long as I can swallow it, not really taste it and definitely not chew it, I can get it down.
"Oh, that sounds good!" she said. "These foods will make a great smoothie!"
Lovely. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures, right?
So, I bought the wild blueberries. Yes, they have to be wild. Much higher antioxidants and nutritional profile. I actually had researched them before, so was not totally surprised they came back into my life...
So, now I eat a super-amazingly-health boosting smoothie every day.'s not the worst thing I've ever tasted. ('Cause I can taste it.) It mostly tastes like icy ginger. Ginger isn't my favorite flavor, but after drinking lemon ginger herbal tea every morning for awhile now, I'm used to it. And, more importantly, the ginger is very strong, so it overpowers everything else, which, for me, is #winning.
SO maybe you want to adjust the amount of ginger. Go ahead. Taste those blue, blue berries and that crisp apple, and the celery...actually I can taste it a little bit. All but the spinach. And the not the asparagus either, 'cause that's  not in here! I actually like asparagus, so no need to blend, which is good, cause I don't think even the ginger could cover raw asparagus flavor... :P
I have noticed, I think about this smoothie quite a bit...and not in a dreading it all day kind of way. I do not love it, but I think my body does. So here's to doing hard things that make you better!

*My Smoothie Recipe*
1 cup frozen wild blueberries
1 stalk celery
1/3-1/2 an apple -the apples I have are pretty big)
1-2 cups spinach -I just throw in a big handful)
Ginger- I usually add a small chunk...maybe 1 1/2 tsp.?
splash of coconut milk -could do without
handful of mini ice cubes
water to make the right consistency -usually about 1/4 cup for me
Blend or puree, depending on if you have a blended or a food processor!
I use a big straw and drink it as fast as I can, brain freeze permitting.
Enjoy if you wish.


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