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Eight Years Married

Today, my husband Brian and I celebrate eight years of marriage.
I remember our wedding day surprisingly well..
I remember not being nervous.
I remember it was just a really fun day.
It started out with me going to my hair appointment, only to find that my stylist wasn't there (not sure why, but something about being in court seems to come to mind...), so I went over to the salon where my bridesmaids were getting their hair done, and they squeezed me in. I ended up with a totally different hair style because of it and I think now that it was probably for the best.
Then we went to the church and got ready.
Brian and I had a little "first look" photo shoot, since we were going to do pictures before walking down the aisle.
After that, the wedding party headed out to the beach for pictures. Rosario Beach at Deception Pass, I believe. It was very hot out that day.
I choose tulips for the bouquets, and you know what happens to tulips when they get warm? They open and fall over. So you can kinda tell the photos progression by how perky (or not) the flowers are.
After the pictures were done at the beach, we went back to the church for a little lunch and cool down. The flowers were popped into the fridge to freshen up for the ceremony.
I think we did some family pics next, before the ceremony.
Afterthat, I remember sitting in one of the nurseries, hiding from view while the guests arrived.
I remember waiting, wishing I could watch what was happening while the bridesmaids and groomsmen and flower girls and ring bearers walked in.
I remember standing next to my Dad, waiting for our turn, and then making sure we didn't walk too fast so we wouldn't arrive at the end of the aisle too soon, due to the incredibly long song my old piano teacher had chosen instead of the "over done classic" piece that I had originally requested.
And I remember his face; Brian...waiting there for me, in front of all the people (not exactly his favorite place to be), but he was smiling and his eyes were shining and we were both just so excited.
It was finally time. We were really getting married.
Right after we said our vows, the pastor prayed, and I remember thinking how crazy it was that, somehow, somewhere, in the space of about two minutes time, we went from single people to a married couple....amazing. Magical, almost.
I remember being so happy to slide that ring on Brian's finger....a visible sign to the world that he was taken. He was mine. Because he wanted to be.
I remember the pastor saying "You may kiss your bride", and Brian "dipped me" and kissed me. (You know, like, bending you backwards while kissing?); a move that the pastor made us "practice" once for him at marriage counseling, after we told him we wanted to. He said that if we were too shy to do it in front of him, we probably would be too shy to do it in front of all our family and friends. Probably true, so we did.
I remember it felt so good to walk back down the aisle together, holding hands.
I don't remember as many details of the reception...
I do remember warning Brian not to mess up my hair/makeup/dress when we did the cake cutting. And then I smeared chocolate frosting on his face. Ha!
I remember the table were all decorated with a beach theme, which is funny to me because I never intended for that to happen, but with taking pictures on beach, it was fitting I guess. We had a bowl with goldfish on each table, and I was told near the end of the reception that some of the guests were swallowing the fish. Yep, a goldfish swallowing contest happened at my wedding reception.
And I remember when it was time to leave, walking out to see Brian's truck not only decorated with window paint but also covered in cupcakes and frosting. Orange frosting, smeared all over. I was worried climbing into the truck that it would get on my dress.
As we pulled out of the parking lot, a firework blasted off out of the back of the pickup.Someone also tied some huge metal bumper thing to the bottom of the truck, so we had to stop a little ways down the road and throw it in the back before we could keep driving.
And then....we stopped at McDonald's. We didn't get to eat much at the reception so....I sat in the truck, which you parked in the spot directly in front of the door, and you went inside to order. We got some pretty funny looks!
And then we went home, to our very own house. And you carried me over the threshold.
And we've lived happily, for the most part, ever since.
I would not change any of our wedding day, even though not everything went exactly perfect, and I didn't have Pinterest to help me plan décor, and people ate the goldfish.
(OK...maybe I would wear a veil or buy a real cake topper.)
I also would not change any of the crazy rollercoaster we've been on ever since... Sure, sometimes I don't like certain situations, in fact, we've been completely miserable sometimes...My illness has been very difficult to process and deal with on a daily basis. Our children, who I love so much, and who are such a blessing to us, can drive us crazy sometimes. The responsibility and stress of running a home and providing and socializing and everything just gets crazy sometimes.
But God has shown us so much love and the blessings just pour down, and we have learned so much in the last eight years; about ourselves, about each other, and about Him.
I feel so  much closer to God now and the hard times have been a big part of that. I know if you read my other posts, you will see that I say that alot, but that's because it is so true.
Brian is my best friend. And I am so grateful, honored, amazed that he would call me his as well. He is the best gift I have ever received, and it astounds me to think God planned this for me. for us.
So humbling to be so loved.
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:11)
Marriage, built on God's commands and promises, is one of the best gifts God has given us.
Marriage is tasting life abundant; "a foretaste of glory divine", a tiny glimpse at the fullness of joy we will experience when we are united to our Saviour forever.
I am so grateful for my husband and children, for my marriage, and for a Heavenly Father who has brought us through everything this far and will be faithful to bring us through what is yet to come.


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