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Craniosacral Therapy

I have tried many different treatments to facilitate healing and encourage health and relaxation. CranioSacral Therapy is something relatively new for me, (I've had three sessions now),  but I have seen good results so far. I find it extremely relaxing and soothing. And interesting...
CranioSacral Therapists generally use a very light touch, but the results are very obvious, for me anyway.
What is CranioSacral Therapy?
The pamphlet from my doctor's office says "CranioSacral Therapy is...a form of therapy in which particular attention is paid to tension within the dura mater, the membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. ...The craniosacral system controls the internal environment in which the brain and spinal cord operate and thus exerts a powerful influence upon the functioning of the entire body.
..Tension within the dura mater is detected primarily by means of its effect upon the tiny rhythmic motion of the bones of the skull and the tailbone to which the dura mater is attached. ...The body regulates the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid which sorrounds the brain and spine very carefully, with the result that this pressure rises and falls rhythmically every 6 to 12 seconds, this craniosacral rythym can be palpated anywhere on the body and is the assessment tool that forms the basis of CranioSacral Therapy. By paying close attention to this rythym the therapist is able to locate restrictions and areas of abnormal tension, and to facilitate their release."
Generally the sessions start with some head and neck work, moves down to shoulders (front and back) down to ribs, down to hips, legs and ankles/feet. Usually the therapist moves down one side first, then starts the other. Then abdominal work. Then more hip/tailbone area. Finshes with more skull and neck.
Like I mentioned already, most of the time only a very light touch is used.Sometimes for areas like abdomen, the therapist will use a bit more pressure as you breathe out to reach a little deeper tissue or if there is a lot of tension.
Also, for those who might be uncomfortable with undressing for treatments, CranioSacral therapy can be done fully clothed, as long as you aren't wearing anything too bulky. For the abdomen you might be asked to roll your shirt up to expose your belly, but undressing is not needed (in my experience) as it is with massage or acupuncture.
I like to try to do some of the deep breathing exercises I've practiced while having the cranio sacral therapy too. I think a state of deep focused relaxtion, but also awareness, is very healing, especially during craniosacral therapy, or massage or acupuncture.
I am very aware of God's fascinating design of our bodies during and after a session; everything is connected and works together, and therefore when there is any tension or "dis-harmony" it will also affect the whole body as well. For example, I was feeling some tension, almost a twitching feeling in my left leg after he worked with it and it continued until he was working on my right/middle abdomen. I have a lot of tension in certain areas of my stomach, which for me affect my digestion and also mood/emotions. Anyway, while he was working on my right side, all of a sudden the tension was gone from my left leg and my left shoulder also relaxed more. Or I will notice my neck relaxing more while he works with my lower back.
I also noticed that as he works with my shoulders, my arms and hands turn out. When I first lie down on the table, I find the most comfortable, natural position is with my palms facing down, but as he relaxes the muscles of the front and back of my shoulder, my hands automatically turn up and out. It feels so good.
After the sessions, I feel very grounded and relaxed. I feel happy, calm, and peaceful. I feel grateful, encouraged. Sometimes, I cry a little on the way home (or want to)...not from sadness, just as a release of tension I think. Like happy tears. :)
CranioSacral therapy is kind of like massage, but even more gentle, with less movement; more holding/pressing than rubbing. It can also have more permanent or longer lasting results than massage.
Craniosacral therapy is a unique healing technique that is definitely worth trying.


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