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Vegetable Detox Soup

I've been eating this vegetable soup quite a bit lately. It's easy, cheap, and so healthy and nourishing. It's a lot like my chicken noodle soup, but without the noodles and chicken. :)
So it's low carb and Paleo too.
These are the veggies I've been using, but you could add others. Lots of garlic and onion means it has a delicious broth and is immune boosting and healing.
I just chop these up and throw them in my Dutch oven!
Add the onions and carrot and celery to the pan first. You can put some avocado oil or butter or even a dash of broth for them to saute/steam in, but you don't absolutely have to.
Chop up the zucchini and garlic, but wait the add those til the other veg is softened.

So pretty! I usually add white or yellow onions, but I was out of those the other day, so I used red onions, and it actually gives the broth a little more color, so...up to you which you use. Red onions have anthocyanins (that's why they're red/purple) which are a special antioxidant and anti- inflammatory.
Saute til slightly softened.

Now you can throw in your other vegetables. A bonus to waiting with the garlic is higher allicin levels; an enzyme reaction occurs after crushing or chopping it, but you need to wait 10 minutes for maximum benefits. Sometimes, I even wait to add it until after I've finished cooking the soup so that there are more enzymes left in it.
Now you can pour in the broth and add seasonings. I used a combination of homemade turkey bone broth and some boxed broth.
Seasonings I use are:
Sea salt or Himalayan Pink salt
Black pepper
Garlic Powder
Onion powder
Dried parsley
Dried dill
Dried thyme, just a pinch
Celery salt
Sometimes a smidgen of cayenne pepper, but be careful!
I will also add some chicken stock concentrate if the broth needs a bit more flavor. I like Trader Joe's brand, or Costco has one right now that I like ok.
I don't measure, I just go by taste and smell. I actually cook quite a bit by smell...Lol is that weird?
Generally though, I add that much dried parsley and dill (about a palm full?) and a dash or two of the others. Salt to taste; depending on the broth you use it can be a lot or a little.
Then just simmer until everything is cooked! Enjoy :)
I like to have it on hand for breakfast, because, as I've said many times, I like to get my veggies in at breakfast as much as possible usually....and with all the nutrients in here this is an excellent way to start your day!


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