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The Ocean

"By the sea, by the sea,
by the beautiful sea,
You and me, you and me,
Oh so happy we will be..."
I'm daydreaming about last summer and all the beach picnics we had; the leisurely dinners in the warm sunshine with the smell of sea water on the breeze, the breathtaking sunsets filling the sky with color, the time spent with my husband and children, splashing and wading and searching for the perfect pebbles and shells; it makes me feel alive and well and I want more.
Even on gloomy days though, the ocean soothes me. I drove past the bay yesterday, on the way to an appointment, and the sky was gray and cloudy, and there was a mist hanging over the choppy water, but it instantly made me feel good.
The power of the waves never ceases to amaze me. I am always reminded that there is Someone in control of them, and the thought that there is a greater power than the ocean waves is very humbling, and yet comforting too. I think there is no better place to sit and think about God than on the shore, staring out over the water.
And it's so much easier to forget everything else and just be when you're near the is so vast and real and it just pulls me into this meditative state where I feel like things are in their proper place.
I am small, God is great.  He is constantly moving the water and clouds and pebbles and weeds, not only because He can and it brings Him glory,  but also to uphold this amazing world. He paints the sky, blows the clouds, pushes the waves; when you see it all this way, it's like watching a conducter directing an orchestra to play a beautiful song, only He's playing all the instruments himself all at the same time.
Why should we worry about anything? Why should we be so burdened with troubles? There is One who invites us to leave our sorrows with Him and He is able to carry them all with ease.
Rest in Him, my soul, and glory in His infinite love and gentle care, for He cares far more for you than all this wide and wonderful world.❤
"If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand uphold me." [Psalm 139:9-10]


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