Quite awhile ago now, I told my Dr. that I felt like, through my illness and recovery, I was being prepared for something.....but I wasn't sure what. She suggested I make a Vision Board.
Basically, the idea is that you put things that interest or speak to you on the board, and once you see them all together you can see how the pieces have a common theme or goal or ideal, etc. Another thought behind it is by putting things you love on it, and especially if you put it where you can see if often, you will bring more of these things into your life, and consequently bring more joy into your life. Or some people put them together with a goal in mind and the constant reminder keeps them on track towards accomplishing that goal.
My Dr. suggested two rules to me: no words and limit the amount of certain things. (For example, if a woman wants a new baby, only put one picture of a baby on there...not 10)
Other than that, there are no rules! And some people do use words. I have chosen not to. And so far, I have only used pictures cut from old magazines, but you add anything that you can stick on there! Leaves, feathers, stones, maybe a necklace or charm...... whatever you like.
I was a bit intimidated by this at first, but really loved the idea. Sometimes I have a hard time letting myself be creative....the perfectionist in me loves rules, and the freedom to create is sometimes to open for me to start something. But I did, and I LOVE it! Looking at this board makes me feel happy and calm and it did surprise me when I saw the whole picture. I have been surprised sometimes at what has ended up on my board.....but after thinking about it it made sense. And I don't necessarily feel that at this time it is giving me a clearer idea of what I should do, but it has brought some interesting things to my attention.
I have changed it a few times, either rearranging or adding or taking away pictures. That's ok. You change and so can your board.
I suggest to start, cutting a big stack of pictures that appeal to you, and if there are other trinkets you wish to add, get them all together first, and then find some quiet time, maybe put in a calm playlist (I love YouTube) and go through the pictures, taking only what really speaks to you. It's ok to not use everything you collected; in fact, this is not a board if just everything you like. Try to keep it somewhat simple, at least to start. It will be easier to see themes and such that way.
Think of this as a real life Pinterest!
Have fun with it, and remember that it's only for you, so you can't do it wrong. Sometimes, if it doesn't "feel" quite right, I just leave it for awhile and come back to it in a few hours. It took me a couple days to feel satisfied with it the first time, but since then it's been much easier.
Basically, the idea is that you put things that interest or speak to you on the board, and once you see them all together you can see how the pieces have a common theme or goal or ideal, etc. Another thought behind it is by putting things you love on it, and especially if you put it where you can see if often, you will bring more of these things into your life, and consequently bring more joy into your life. Or some people put them together with a goal in mind and the constant reminder keeps them on track towards accomplishing that goal.
My Dr. suggested two rules to me: no words and limit the amount of certain things. (For example, if a woman wants a new baby, only put one picture of a baby on there...not 10)
Other than that, there are no rules! And some people do use words. I have chosen not to. And so far, I have only used pictures cut from old magazines, but you add anything that you can stick on there! Leaves, feathers, stones, maybe a necklace or charm...... whatever you like.
I was a bit intimidated by this at first, but really loved the idea. Sometimes I have a hard time letting myself be creative....the perfectionist in me loves rules, and the freedom to create is sometimes to open for me to start something. But I did, and I LOVE it! Looking at this board makes me feel happy and calm and it did surprise me when I saw the whole picture. I have been surprised sometimes at what has ended up on my board.....but after thinking about it it made sense. And I don't necessarily feel that at this time it is giving me a clearer idea of what I should do, but it has brought some interesting things to my attention.
I have changed it a few times, either rearranging or adding or taking away pictures. That's ok. You change and so can your board.
I suggest to start, cutting a big stack of pictures that appeal to you, and if there are other trinkets you wish to add, get them all together first, and then find some quiet time, maybe put in a calm playlist (I love YouTube) and go through the pictures, taking only what really speaks to you. It's ok to not use everything you collected; in fact, this is not a board if just everything you like. Try to keep it somewhat simple, at least to start. It will be easier to see themes and such that way.
Think of this as a real life Pinterest!
Have fun with it, and remember that it's only for you, so you can't do it wrong. Sometimes, if it doesn't "feel" quite right, I just leave it for awhile and come back to it in a few hours. It took me a couple days to feel satisfied with it the first time, but since then it's been much easier.
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