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Progress and Empowerment

Yay! Great stuff happening lately. Since completing the Top 15 NAET treatments, I've had two combination treatments; hormones and heat, and seratonin and minerals.
I have already noticed an improvement in my skin and mood since doing the Hormone NAET treatment, and these last two have brought me to an even stronger place.
If you haven't been following my journey through NAET, I suggest you read previous posts where I explain it more in detail. I truly feel that God has used these treatments to really facilitate healing and help me get to know myself better, and also to let go of alot of emotional burdens I was carrying.
Since completing the last treatment I had (seratonin and minerals), I have been feeling  really excited and empowered. It just feels really good to be this far into theses treatments. I feel strong. I feel like my body is so much more whole....Like things are working properly.
I have bad days where I feel defeated and disfunctional and weary, but those days are less prominent and I think more predictable. As more things get "fixed" it gets easier to recognize "triggers" or patterns, and it gets easier to pull myself out of the moment and take a different perspective and examine things from more of an outside view, as opposed to getting sucked into that downward spiral of just feeling and reacting in a habitual way.
Alicia (NAET practioner) likes to say, "in those moments, ask yourself 'What else is possible?'"
And when I stop and do that, I am often reminded that God has promised to give me the strength to choose what is right and good and helpful, and I can be strong enough in Him. I am enough because of Him.
I'm nowhere near perfect. But I do see improvements; physically, mentally, emotionally. And I'm excited!
Another thing that I feel is contributing to my more positive perspective is some goals that I have been setting and working for myself.
In February I had a goal to drink 12 smoothies and do 14 workouts (20 minute minimum). And I met that goal!
So for March, I set similar goals, but upped it slightly, since March is a smidge longer than February. :) So far, so good! I generally do a 30-60 minute workout, mostly fast walking on the treadmill, with some light handweights and always finish with stretching. It makes me feel awesome, really mood boosting!, and also helps me feel in control of myself physically, which in turn helps me feels stronger mentally and emotionally. I was having a really difficult time emotionally regarding my weight about two weeks ago.... Just really feeling negative and out of control and like I was failing. But after talking it out with Brian and a friend and Alicia, and since doing the last NAET treatment, I've been feeling on top of it, and like I am in healthy, positive place again. Anyway, as I was saying, the working out especially really helps me feel like I'm in control and getting stronger which make it alot easier to turn off and tune out the negative self judgement.
We always have a choice of how to view our situation. Our current perspective is just one of many options. I'm not saying it's easy, 'cause it's not, but sometimes, we are just a choice away from a better, happier self.
Ask God to help you see things through new eyes; eyes of grace and compassion and faith.
When I was feeling down a couple weeks ago, Brian and I were talking about it and I told him I felt like my eyes did not give me an accurate view of my body....I was judging myself so harshly and negatively and even though I know in my head that I'm not "fat" I could not make myself believe I wasn't.
And then he said something super great: "You know, even if you were fat which you aren't, you could still be happy. No one said you can't be happy."
I just let that soak in.....The truth of that. "No one said you couldn't be happy"..... It was so obvious and yet so....shocking.
I was feeling awful because I was letting myself feel awful. And I could choose something else, something better.
God moves in mysterious ways, and husbands are one of them for sure. :)
Something to remember too is that Satan knows your weaknesses, and he will try anything to ruin your happiness and shake your confidence and distract you from what's truly important. Satan loves it when we trade the truth for a lie. Don't let him win.
Another of my goals for this month is to read through the book of Proverbs. (31 chapters=one per day) Proverbs is all about getting wisdom, valuing what is truly important, and walking in the right path, the path of light and truth. I am praying that God helps me to do those things; to apply the things I've been learning and to live in the light and Truth that He gives.
I'm so grateful to be on this journey of healing and maturing and self discovery and faith....Not every moment is enjoyable or effortless, but I have experienced grace upon grace and He has always brought me through, and I come out better and better! Glory be to God, for only He can work such wondrous things.


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