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This morning's breakfast-Smoothie, peppermint tea, and cashew butter.
I've been experimenting a little with my smoothie lately. This one turned out good; smooth and creamy thanks to the avocado.
Smoothie ingredients: 1 orange carrot, 1 stalk celery, 1/2 green apple, big handful baby spinach, 1 cup frozen wild blueberries, juice of 1 small lime, 1 small avocado, knob of ginger, about 2 tsp of fruit anthocyanins, ice, water, and then a dash of cinnamon stirred in after. basically, I like the ginger and cinnamon because they distract me from the fruit taste :) and the avocado really helped with the texture. (I was thinking I should be adding Great Lakes unflavored gelatin to all my smoothies as well, but forgot with this one.)

This is Raw  Cow Milk. I was "muscle tested" and it should be ok for me to drink..... I grew up drinking raw milk on my parent's dairy farm. Loved it. But after all the health issues over the last few years, and drinking nut "milks", it feels weird and scary to drink this again...but I know that it's really healthy for you (definitely better than nut milks with additives) and I would prefer something natural and unprocessed. But it's gonna take some getting used to...mostly mentally. And not everyone can handle raw milk, so you have to be cautious. I think that you should make sure that you have healthy gut flora and don't have a milk allergy, and make sure that your milk comes from a safe, clean farm.
Anyway...I drank about a third of a glass with dinner last night!
Dinner last night; broiled asparagus with avo. oil and garlic salt, leftover baked potato with paprika and a little cheese, pork roast- shredded with BBQ sauce, and green beans with nutmeg.
Never give up trying to get your kids to try veggies. Every time we eat asparagus now, Sophie says "Oh, my favorite vegetable! Yay!"....'m not sure it is actually her favorite, but she eats it willingly, and she used to hate just keep trying. And eat them yourself :)Kids always want what you have on your plate, right?

Lunch- my Harvest soup (squash, sweet potato, spinach, pecorino romano cheese, turkey, onion, and spices-curry, nutmeg, cinnamon.) I didn't have any bacon for it this time :( On the side is GF cornbread with Kerrygold butter and raw honey, and some leftover steamed purple potato, also with Kerrygold butter and some salt. MmMM!
Breakfast- sautéed zuchinni with ground beef (from our own grass fed beef cow!) and spinach, raspberry leaf tea. The oatmeal and fruit were for Sophie and Nathaniel. Sophie likes pecans on hers, and Nathaniel likes raisins.
Another smoothie. Didn't love this was really peppery? It had quite a bite to it...either from excessive ginger or the watercress? I never used watercress before, but it's a "Super Food", so I tried it. Didn't love it in this, but I got it down.
Smoothie: Orange carrot, 1 bunch watercress, 1 stalk celery,1/2 green apple, large knob of ginger, 1 cup frozen wild blueberry, juice from a lemon and a lime, about 1 TBSP Great Lakes gelatin, ice, water.
Dinner- Homemade Pizza! My family is always excited when I make pizza. the small rectangles ones are made with Trader Joe's GF pizza crusts, and the large pizza was made with a special allergy friendly crust I got as part of a thank you gift for supporting my sister in law during my nephew's birth. (Which was so thoughtful, but so unnecessary, as attending the birth was a gift in itself! Thanks Jessica! :)) Anyway, it was delicious! I topped the crusts with a combo of marinara and BBQ sauce, garlic and onion powder, spinach, leftover pork chop -chopped up small, red onion, and cheese- Darigold White Cheddar. Yum yum. Oh, and a lovely little rainbow tray of veggies and fruit, because if it's pretty, everyone, (especially kids) will eat it better.
Dinner- Baked potato with Kerrygold butter, Darigold sourcream, Darigold White Cheddar, and green onions, salt and pepper. Pork roast baked with BBQ sauce. ( I like Guy Fieri and Stubbs, as they are pretty clean if you pick the right flavors). And boiled broccoli. We seem to go through phases with our broccoli...for awhile I was steaming it all the time, then my sister told me about broiling it, and I did that (so good!) and lately I've been boiling it. I know that boiling means you end up pouring off some of the nutrients, but it makes it so soft and my family eats it whatever. I'll switch it up again soon.

Quick breakfast of leftover steak and green beans. Leftover meat + canned green beans are my fast food at home.
I don't eat chocolate very often, as I can't handle much caffeine. But sometimes I want it, so these TJ brand bars are great! They have different flavors and they are soy free. Delicious way to get some antioxidants :)
Breakfast- Smoothie, Raspberry leaf tea, and Paleo waffles. ( recipe in Every Last Crumb by Brittany Angell)
 I topped the waffles with my homemade syrup of melted coconut oil, and cashew butter (or almond), and raw honey...some good healthy fats, and safer sugar. So good. And because they are made with almond flour, they have some protein and don't spike your blood sugar like traditional wheat flour waffles with fake syrup.
There is also a chocolate waffle recipe in the book, and those two recipes alone are worth buying the book in my opinion. :) Guilt free waffles!! :D yes please. (in moderation, of course)


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