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Showing posts from July, 2016

Craniosacral Therapy

I have tried many different treatments to facilitate healing and encourage health and relaxation. CranioSacral Therapy is something relatively new for me, (I've had three sessions now),  but I have seen good results so far. I find it extremely relaxing and soothing. And interesting... CranioSacral Therapists generally use a very light touch, but the results are very obvious, for me anyway. What is CranioSacral Therapy? The pamphlet from my doctor's office says "CranioSacral Therapy is...a form of therapy in which particular attention is paid to tension within the dura mater, the membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. ...The craniosacral system controls the internal environment in which the brain and spinal cord operate and thus exerts a powerful influence upon the functioning of the entire body. ..Tension within the dura mater is detected primarily by means of its effect upon the tiny rhythmic motion of the bones of the skull and the tailbone to which the d


Lunch- butter lettuce salad with honey mustard dressing, tuna, green onions, and a glass of cranberry juice with fruit anthocyanins. Antioxidant boost! Breakfast- Beets, broccoli and honey mustard chicken thigh Dinner- Butter lettuce drizzled with honey mustard sauce, asparagus, broccoli, and a little grilled steak.   Dinner- Honey Mustard baked chicken thighs,green beans, and roasted white sweet potatoes with garlic &onion powder, dill and parsley. Lunch- salad of butter lettuce, ham, avocado, honey mustard dressing, salt and pepper. Dinner- sandwich! GF Franz multi grain bread, Hempler ham & bacon, sliced avocado, mayonnaise, and butter lettuce. And salt&pepper. Breakfast- we have a tradition of doing birthday waffles and it was my birthday! Paleo waffles with almond butter, honey, and coconut oil sauce. And a side of ham and sautéed spinach. Lunch- salad of mixed baby greens, salmon, goat cheese, avocado, and , of course, honey mustard dressing.

Flare Up

What does it feel like when I experience a "flare up"? Its different every time, but generally it affects the same things: -Sleep -Skin -Emotions -Energy -Stomach/Digestion -Head -Ear -did I say Emotions already? When things are "off", I begin to assess the situation, which usually leads to overanalyzing, guilt, depression and exhaustion. For example: I have a few really good days. I feel well, and happy, and able to cope with things in a positive way. Then, sometimes it comes on slowly, or sometimes I just wake up in the morning, and I feel bad. Groggy, blah, exhausted (didn't I just sleep?), "weird feeling" in my head or headache, ear ringing or aching, tummy just grumpy or bloated or sometimes hurting in very specific spots. The physical feelings set off the emotions.The questions begin; "why do I feel like this?", "What am I doing wrong?", "What did I eat yesterday?", "Am I too stressed?", "

Eight Years Married

Today, my husband Brian and I celebrate eight years of marriage. I remember our wedding day surprisingly well.. I remember not being nervous. I remember it was just a really fun day. It started out with me going to my hair appointment, only to find that my stylist wasn't there (not sure why, but something about being in court seems to come to mind...), so I went over to the salon where my bridesmaids were getting their hair done, and they squeezed me in. I ended up with a totally different hair style because of it and I think now that it was probably for the best. Then we went to the church and got ready. Brian and I had a little "first look" photo shoot, since we were going to do pictures before walking down the aisle. After that, the wedding party headed out to the beach for pictures. Rosario Beach at Deception Pass, I believe. It was very hot out that day. I choose tulips for the bouquets, and you know what happens to tulips when they get warm? They open and fa


Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 29. I feel like 29 is a big deal....more than 30 will be. I mean, 29 is the last "twenty something".....and, for some reason that I totally didnt see coming, it's kinda making me freak out. Not sure why.... I'm excited for what the future holds... I have dreams...goals... I'm excited to keep watching my babies, who aren't really babies anymore, continue growing and learning and surprising me. I'm excited to see where God takes us. I'm excited to continue to grow in my love for my husband..every year I love him more. I'm excited to move on.... The past holds some beautiful memories for sure, but also a lot of tears and heartache. I'd like to wake up and say " Hello 29, let's be friends! " Most of all I am excited to continue growing in my faith and trust in my Saviour Jesus, and find the best way that I can serve and glorify Him. I am searching..seeking...ready to find what it is He i

The Question

 I am often asked "So, how are you doing?" by family and friends. I appreciate their interest and concern. But this question is actually one I somewhat dread....because I never know how to answer it.  Healing is a journey....a process. There are up and downs, daily and "big picture" too.  I never know where the line is, how to answer honestly but without going into every little detail.  Overall, as I look back to where I was three years ago, I have definitely made huge progress. I have adapted to my new diet and lifestyle. I no longer feel many of my symptoms, I am no longer at a complete loss as to what to eat on a daily basis to facilitate healing, no longer is my body starving and attacking itself.  But, when I look back to a year ago, I feel much differently about my progress...  One year ago, I was really feeling the best I have felt in a very long time, including before my illness began. I had done so many things to heal my body, and grown so much in my