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A Few Of My Favorite Things

Pad Thai is definitely one of my favorite things😍

My husband and kids have been asking me what I want for my birthday tomorrow and I though it might be fun to share my "wish list" and do a little Kayla Q&A about things not related to my healthπŸ™ƒ

I have to admit, I laughed at myself a little looking at this list...I feel a little bit like what my Dad probably would call a "hippie", or what trendy people would call "crunchy", and you would imagine smelled somewhere between dirt, herbs and sweat. Lol Listen I shower every day and we do occasionally have Oreos in our house so I think I've got some kind of balance going, ok?πŸ˜‚

Anyways...the list:
>Himalayan salt lamps- big, small, nightlights- I can never have too many.( I dont like the ones that are just a bowl with a pile of rocks in it though). They give off such a soft, warm, cozy light, and they are supposed to help purify the air too. πŸ’› Love it.

>Houseplants- my collection of houseplants grows almost as many times as I go to Trader Joe's πŸ˜† I have an addiction and I don't even care, give me more! I really need to find some good low light plants, since there are far to few south facing windows in my house. I love succulents becasue they are so forgiving, and also peace lilies have done very well in our home. These also purify the air, so really they are an essential, right? Get yourself some plants already!🌱🌡🌼

>Beeswax candles- a safe, non toxic way to enjoy candle light. πŸ•―  And again, these can also help purify the air by releasing negative icons which can bind to toxins floating around your house. I didnt realize I was so concerned with air quality, but hey, it cant hurt anything, especially with all the wild fire smoke that's been happening the last few summers, might as well support your body with salt lamps and plants and beeswax candles. 🐝

>There's a little herbal shop in downtown Bellingham I love to go to for dried herbs for teas and tea bath/bath soaks. I love putting dried rose petals and calendula and lavender and thyme in my Epsom salt baths. A little mood, and even immunity boost, whilst laying in a hot bath is such a relaxing way to end the day.

>Skincare or makeup products from my favorite companies, Luminance Skincare and Beautycounter, would be lovely.πŸ’„

>Essential Oils from Edens Garden- my favorites are Clary Sage & PMS Ease. I wear them instead of perfume, and they smell so feminine and pretty.🌹

>Native deodorant.  Why is there deodorant on my birthday list?? Because when you turn 32 you are at a point where you dont really want anymore "stuff", and also maybe I'm too practical. Lol I seriously love the Rose scent though. Side note, I was excited when Target started carrying Native products, but then I realized they only have the regular deodorant instores, so I still have to order the sensitive version online. Bummer. But its worth it because it works for me and doesnt make my skin irritated. πŸ‘Œ

>Real gold or sterling silver jewelry. The kind that doesn't turn your skin green, ya know? Old Navy has some adorable sterling silver dipped in gold pieces that are very affordable. πŸ’Brian got me a ring there last year, and I'm kinda hoping for some earrings this year. The Co-op by us also has some nice sterling silver earrings for a good price.

>Paleo cookbooks...because I read cookbooks like some people read romance novels and I can never have enough. πŸ“šEven though I have the hardest time following recipes and usually just freestyle it. But I do my research first by reading like five recipes on how to make what I want to make and then do it myself. So I still use my cookbooks, just more unconventionally. Lol

>I told Brian I need a new purse; the strap on mine is breaking. But I also told him if he doesnt want to pick one out, a gift card to TJMaxx is great too.πŸ‘œ

Usually what happens when I give Brian a wish list is: He doesn't get me anything on my list. Lol He says he hates lists. He has given me something from my wish list a few times in the last couple years, but usually he comes up with some super creative gift out of the blue, so I've learned not to expect anything I ask for. Which is probably good for me Lol makes me appreciate the thought more than the gift. Although sometimes Brian has told me "its so hard to buy for you" and I'm like 😢 I gave you a list...πŸ˜‚πŸ€·‍♀️
Oh well, he's still my favorite and my best.❤ And I have loved every gift he has given me, with one exception, so his track record is pretty great, and I can't complain. πŸ™‚

This got longer than I thought it would, so I will do the Q&A in my next post.

What do you have on your wish list?
And have you noticed it gets more practical as you get older? LolπŸ€” πŸŽ‚


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