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I have been eating more naan lately...I think the change in seasons is making me want more carbs. But I do not gain weight or feel bloated when I eat this paleo naan and I often eat them cold which increases the resistant starch (good for your tummy bugs and less impact on blood sugar), and I try to save carbs for after breakfast. But sometimes I have them warm with and egg in between, along with some greens and maybe onion or herbs, and it is a delicious, healthy start to the day for me .
Cauliflower puree with leftover roasted sweet potatoes and chicken is a tasty, fast meal when you batch cook the puree and meat. Drizzled with some avocado oil and seasoned with Himalayan pink salt and maybe a dash of nutmeg it is nourishing and satisfying.
I love big salads! My homemade mustard mayo poppy seed dressing with some wild tuna mixed with avocado mayonnaise over some butter lettuce and fresh spinach is a regular on my menu.
I bought some paleo ranch dressing from the store because we were having company and I know not everyone wants honey mustard dressing. I tried it and it was alright but ranch is just not my thing I guess. This salad though...loaded with roasted broccoli and sweets and diced chicken and good.
Not the best pic; I got a new phone and the camera is not as good as my old one. :(
Roasted chicken drumstick, broiled asparagus with garlic cloves, white rice with some of the juice form the chicken poured over it and a naan.
Another salad with butter lettuce, spinach, sweet potato, avocado, goat gouda, and my HM dressing.
Breakfast for dinner. We have a birthday waffle breakfast tradition in our house, and the kids begged to have a candle and some sprinkles on these, even though it wasn't either one of their birthdays. The waffles were paleo and they also had spinach and eggs so I was fine with.

The birthday waffles were also fitting due to the fact that the day we had them was the third anniversary of my first miscarriage. This year I didn't feel like making a cake, so this was a quiet way for me to mark the occasion. This year was a little harder emotionally, I think because I had my third miscarriage last year just a couple weeks after the date of my first one. More than anything, its just hard because my kids ask about having another sibling. Brian and I feel content with the children we have been blessed with and if Sophie and Nathaniel are the only babies we get to hold, that's ok. God knows what's best for our family. There are other dreams we would like to pursue and maybe we wouldn't end up trying things if we were caring for more babies. I'm not saying it's a "never", but for now we are focusing on getting me to a stable,                                                                 consistent level of health before adding jn another stressors, praying that God will fulfill His purpose for us and that He would sustain us and give us peace with whatever that means or looks like.

These paleo waffles are so great because they can be used sweet or savory! I like to skip the sugary toppings and throw on some soft scrambled eggs, spinach and a sprinkle of grated pecorino romano. Pecorino Romano is a hard sheep cheese that is very similar to a good Parmesan- a little nutty, salty, and ever so slightly crunchy.
Roasted white sweet potatoes mixed with grass fed beef sausages and a bag of frozen chopped spinach made a quick, easy dinner. Topped with some eggs, the creamy yolk coated the potatoes with their loveliness and made it even better.
Butter lettuce, avocado, sautéed rice with cilantro, red onion and garlic and onion powder and topped with pecorino romano. This was very good and tasted similar to a bowl from Chipotle.
I fried some grated white sweets in my cast iron skillet, and then once they were cooked I pressed them down to make a crust-like bottom and cracked some homegrown eggs on top and threw on some spinach and then covered the pan for a few minutes. The eggs set, the spinach wilted and the potatoes got a crispy crust. Delightful. Don't forget the pink salt.
Butter lettuce, grated goat gouda, HM dressing, and a tiny piece of GF toast with homegrown beef and avo mayo. I do miss a good roast beef sandwich sometimes. And toast...just plain, crunchy buttered toast.
I was craving chicken pot pie, so I made a thick stew out of most of the usual pot pie fillings, but I sub the regular potatoes for white sweet potato, and I leave out the peas. To thicken it, I use tapioca starch or arrowroot starch to keep it gluten free.
I also used a paleo baking mix to make a "cornbread" to have on the side instead of a crust.
Good, warming meal for a cold autumn night.
I found some "clean" pesto and it made me SO excited! No canola oil, no dairy; just olive oil, basil, garlic, lemon juice, and salt. Hooray!
It's really good on the naan I make, and it was yummy on top of naan with mashed avocado and sliced boiled eggs too.
Sometimes, I just want a little something to nibble on when others are eating treats or when Brian and I watch a TV show in the evenings. ( Or in the middle of the day when I have a quiet moment to myself and a cup of tea) I seriously don't know why, but I have the hardest time following a recipe exactly how its written from start to finish. I do sometimes, like when I make a birthday cake or have to serve it to company (usually) but when its just for me and my family, I do whatever I want. Lol
But that's not always a bad thing, and when you spend a lot of time getting to know your ingredients and how they "play" together, you can actually make calculated guesses on how things will turn out. This giant paleo chocolate chip cookie was based mostly on a keto cookie recipe from a blogger I follow, but I made it my own but subbing out one of the cups of almond flour for a combination almond flour, coconut flour and tapioca starch. It turned out amazing, perfect texture. Some of my reasoning for not following recipes is because don't have the exact ingredient they call for, or I can't tolerate the amount that's in the recipe. Almond flour is one of those things I can have some but not a lot of, plus I feel the texture of baked goods that only use almond flour can be a but greasy and not very fluffy or chewy.

Naan warmed in the over with pesto and goat gouda, topped with spinach  avocado, boiled eggs and bacon. You don't even know how good this was...
Huge salad after a morning of intermittent fasting (started the night before).
I try to eat a lot of fresh greens and some good, light protein, and cars that I know agree well with me.
Here, I've got some canned salmon, fresh carrots, boiled eggs, naan, HM dressing.
Satisfying dinner of roasted sweets, steamed broccoli and my fish cakes, made with canned wild salmon. Search my blog for the fish cakes recipe. It's easy and delicious, and since canned fish is very convenient its a great protein option for a fast dinner.
I've been making a large batch of fish cakes and baking them in the oven at about 400 instead of frying them. Its a lot easier and then I have fish cakes ready anytime. I really like the way I feel when I'm eating lots of veggies and fish and some healthy fat...I think it's really my optimal diet.
Omelet made with local duck eggs and spinach and gouda. Simple, but so flavorful and satisfying.
I FINALLY got to go out to dinner with my sister in law again and we went to back to a lovely Thai restaurant nearby. Their Pad Thai is gluten free and I order no peanuts as well, and ask them to throw in some broccoli.
 It is SO SO GOOD. And they give you so much. And its so cheap. It's not low lectin, but as long as I save it for a special treat, I tolerate it fine. I shared the leftover noodles, cold from the fridge, with Sophie and Nathaniel. I'm craving it now....
Also a special treat, Rocket Donuts!
Another paleo naan egg sandwich. Look at those yolks! Yum.
Huge plate of greens dressed with avo. oil and garlic salt and a tiny bowl of homemade tuna noddle casserole, made with GF ramen noodles, wild tuna, and broccoli. I used goat milk, French butter, goat cheese, and avo. mayo to make the sauce.
Oh cauli I love it. Warm, filling, and creamy, yet light. So good for aiding your body in detox and hormone balance. A porridge-like breakfast option that's grain free. A perfect way to get in veggies without forcing it. my kids eat it for breakfast with me sometimes too. Drizzle on some good avocado oil and season with pink salt and nutmeg. Enjoy.


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