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A Fresh Approach

 I finally got my hair analysis results and had a follow up with the clinical nutritionist who ordered it for me, as well as an appointment with my Naturopathic doctor; a plan to support healing is underway!
 The hair analysis provided a fresh approach to our plan of support. It confirmed that my adrenals are not functioning optimally, and also confirmed thyroid needs support, but that it is leaning toward hypo (slow) rather than hyper (fast) at this point. I also need a couple mineral levels to come up a little and one mineral, manganese, is off the charts high, so working on getting that down.
 I was having anxiety type attacks; feeling jittery,fast heartrate, lightheaded, tightness in stomach. Previously whenever I started a phase like this, I assumed it was a hyperthyroid flare, but now, seeing that my thyroid is actually a little slow, we had to figure something else out.
 I've been dealing with insomnia since last December at least, and the mood swings that anyone has from lack of sleep even when their body functioning "normally" are no fun...lack of sleep plus low adrenal and thyroid activity is even harder to stay on top of emotionally and physically. My Dr. suggested a few supplements, including GABA, adaptogenic herbs and a special sleep support blend, and they started helping right away. The GABA especially started to make a difference from the first dose; it is a neurotransmitter that calms the brain and helps you focus and relax. I've been getting a more sleep, around 7.5 hours rather than 5 or 6, and even got 8 hours one night this week. #win
 I'm also taking adrenal supportive supplements and a lot of digestive enzymes. 
 Another suggestion from the clinical nutrition was to try a diet based on Dr. Gundry's Plant Paradox, which focuses on low lectin foods. It's very similar to the Paleo diet, but also takes out nightshades and melons/squashes (so no tomatoes, butternut squash, or pumpkin ☹ ). He recommended a two month trial, so I'm giving it a go. Reluctantly. So Mexican food, peanut butter, green beans and pumpkin bars are out for me right now. We'll see if it makes a noticeable difference...
 Avoiding lectins should help promote gut healing, aiding in overall healing. Basically, lectins are part of a plant's defense system, and inside your body they act like little protein barnacles that attach themselves to certain sugar molecules and then tear through your digestive tract lining, causing leaky gut. And then they can enter your bloodstream and cause chronic inflammation and immune response. Or at least, that's how I understand it so far. 
 Over the last few months, I noticed my perspective seemed to have shifted from "I do ----- to support my body, promote healing and aid in optimal health" to "I am a sick person, and no matter how hard I try, things just don't stay good". Yeah...not a happy place to be. Definitely lends itself to a more frustrated and exasperated attitude than a positive and hopeful one. So, I have recognized that, and have been working to shift back to " I am well and  I'm supporting my body to heal itself, the way God designed it to." Because so many things do work the way they are supposed to. Don't lose sight of that. 
 We also are doing a trial run of vitamin B12 shots daily. I have done these before, but not as aggressively (daily), but the consensus is "if it's going to really help, you'll know after doing them daily for two weeks". So I get to give myself a shot every day, which at first bothered me and made me feel like a sick person, but now, I'm just thankful I have something safe and affordable and accessible to try. Perspective.  😊
 I will also (yeah, there's more) be adding in more B vitamins and a supplement to support methylation, which basically helps my body use the B vitamins. Your genes (a DNA test) will show if you have an issue with methylating or not. Thankfully I only have one copy of the gene and not two, because that's bad news... 
 After seeing how I feel with the adrenal support and some magnesium, along with the B vitamins, the next step is to bring in a thyroid supplement.
 And last but not least, I will be doing a hormone urine test to give us an idea of what is going on with those. Did I mention I'm also using progesterone cream right now? Adrenals and thyroid love progesterone, so adding that in should help them get happy faster. It'll all be worth it in the end, right?
 I've been doing yoga almost everyday lately to, which I LOVE. Such a good way to exercise without stressing the body. And so calming.😌 
 Another thing I've recently been learning about is something called heartrate variability. There are some YouTube videos I've been using to help me rewire my brain to a calmer state. You use timed breathing to achieve balance between your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. There's more to it than that, but that's as far as I've gotten. :) And I really do feel better after doing even five minutes of the breathing exercise with the videos.
 I've been trying to get outside more, especially when it's sunny and kind of warm. Exposure to sunlight is critical to your health and aids in boosting your mitochondria. Mitochondria are the energy powerhouses in your cells and their vitality is directly tied to your health and metabolism. Shivering is also very good for your mitochondria, so laying out in the sunshine on a Spring day kills two birds with one stone, as the saying goes. Because sunny Spring days in Washington are not warm, even though that sunshine feels amazing!
 So yeah, that's what's going on with me right now. It feels like a lot to manage sometimes, but my Dr. seems to think I'm on top of it all...
I have been keeping a daily health journal for a few months now, and that really helps me keep track of what supplements I've taken and also see how my mood fluctuates through my cycle and if certain foods cause any kind of upset. Because honestly, I'm a busy mama and there are so many times that I go to take my "vite-ees" as we call them around here, and I'm like "Waaaait...did I already take them or not...?" So I have learned to write it down immediately, saving myself a lot of second guessing.
 Most importantly, I've been reading my Bible daily, usually choosing a few verses to meditate on for the day. The Psalms are my favorite. I've really be trying to shift to that positive, hopeful, trusting perspective and glorify God even during the hard times. I'm thankful that I am able to get help and for my husband who is doing his best to be understanding and supportive. If anyone wants to say a prayer for me, that would be appreciated and wonderful. ❤


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