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Paleo Chocolate Waffle. SO GOOD.  We have a birthday waffle breakfast tradition at our house. I like to break a waffle into quarters and stack it so it looks like a slice of cake, with whipped cream and maybe berries in between the layers. A sprinkle of Hagel Slaag or a dash of cupcake sprinkles makes it feel even more festive. Top it off with a candle so the kids can make a wish. :) But I just eat my waffles with butter; they taste that good all by themselves, and they are made with whole food ingredients for the most part, so they don't have to be off limits junk food.

It was our daughter Sophie's 7th birthday in January. I found a gluten free funfetti cake mix in a box, and whipped up some homemade frosting for it. It was delicious! I hadn't had funeffti cake in a really, really long time. It was not healthy by any means, as it contained food additives and coloring and such, but as rare an occasion as it is now that I eat that stuff, I was ok with it. I also have been really limiting my chocolate intake, since I do notice it aggravates my adrenal/insomnia issues, so this was an alternative I appreciated. No mama wants to skip out on celebrating and eating cake with their children! I absolutely LOVE making my kids special birthday cakes. And for some reason, round layer cakes especially seem extra special to me. I had a lot of fun decorating this girly cake for my Sophie.

My veggie detox soup. I've been eating at least once a day, usually for breakfast. SO good for you, especially when made with homemade bone broth and lots of garlic.
Pan fried chicken tenders with green beans. Healthy fast lunch. With a jar of herbal tea, of course .:)
Family dinner- Chicken thighs, sweet potatoes, asparagus, and cauli puree.
More treats I made for the birthday celebrating with family. GF Banana Bread,  GF peanut Butter Cookies, Paleo Whoopie Pies, and GF Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Breakfast time! More veggie soup and tea.

Dinner- Salad with HM dressing, green beans, baked salmon, and black rice. I really like black rice...I feel like it actually has a bit of flavor by itself, and I really like the texture of it. I always bake my rice in the oven; easiest way to cook it by far. No standing around and stirring for twenty minutes, and no boiling over.
Sometimes we have candlight dinners here for no reason. We enjoyed roasted potatoes with garlic cloves, roasted kale, polish sausage, and honey&cayenne glazed carrots.
A fast lunch for myself of GF toast with peanut butter and cinnamon and coconut oil, soft boiled egg, and a sandwich made using two slices of roasted chicken breast as the "bread" and avocado mayo and lettuce on the inside.
Taco salad made with turkey taco meat, lettuce, refried beans, avocado, onions, and a little Kerrygold cheese.
Breakfast- Omelet with cheese and arugula, one of my dutch pancakes with butter, tea, and smoothie. Yes, the smoothie is back. I've been doing a pint jar instead of a quart, and adding lots of chia seeds to it.
Nachos and Smoothie and 'Call The Midwife', with Brian. Sounds like a pretty good evening to me!
Lasagna and green beans. YUM. It's been a long time since I made or ate lasagna. I recently found some oven ready GF lasagna noodles and I was so excited to try them. I hate having to boil lasagna noodles before making the lasagna, especially since most GF noodles are annoying to work with (fall apart when cooked basically). These noodles were good but they soaked up a lot of sauce, so when I warmed up leftovers, I added a bunch of sauce to it and a little more ricotta cheese, and it was a lot better.
Hello, old friend. This smoothie and I have and on again off again relationship, but I always come back to it because it is such an easy way to get in nutrients and this is the best way for me to eat raw food without it upsetting my tummy in a major way. It's also, as I mentioned before, a great place to get some chia seeds into your diet. Chia seeds are very good for you, and they help keep your bowels moving (sorry, but it's true!) which really help with achieving a flat tummy. And it can help regulate hormones, which can even help you avoid menstrual cramps. Pretty great, right? Omega-3's, protein, antioxidants and fiber are a good reason to start adding this tiny but awesome seed into your diet on a regular basis. The seeds naturally form a gel when added to a liquid, so either soak them in water overnight and add to a smoothie, or wait a few minutes to drink it after pureeing so they can thicken up your drink. I also sprinkle them into oatmeal, and Brian puts them in his yogurt parfait sometimes.
Quick snack- I had a piece of leftover salmon in the fridge but didn't feel like eating it plain, so I mashed it up with some avocado mayo and ate it on some almond meal crackers. Good, good!
This bowl of broccoli, chicken, and potatoes with garlic was my breakfast today. I really need to go grocery shopping, so my options were kinda limited, but these leftovers, fried in a little avocado oil, were super tasty and filling. Leftovers can be your best friends when trying to eat healthy.
Between leftovers and my batch cooked veggie detox soup, I always have a quick breakfast on hand, which is good since some mornings, like when you've been up all night with your kids, or just laying awake til 2am due to insomnia because you were up all night the previous nights with your kids (#fact), you really need something good for you that's EASY. That way, you can at least avoid eating paleo chocolate chip cookies and mini chocolate cheesecake until after you've had something nutritious in your tummy... And then follow up with the veggie detox soup. It'll be fine. No worries. :)


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