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Life Update

January has come and gone. That went fast!

 The past month was full and we had several special family experiences, including our last Christmas party (finally, haha!), a family bowling night with Brian's family, and celebrating our daughter's 7th birthday.

 It was also spent, on my part, trying to work through my health issues, which seemed to have taken a little step backwards for awhile. This is pretty normal when you have something going on like adrenal fatigue or insomnia; one system being off will take its toll on the rest of your body, so there is usually some digestive/skin/mood flare ups as well. Thankfully, the more you heal, the less severe the flare ups tend to be. That being said, it is also very frustrating and makes you re-evaluate everything you've been doing, and its hard not to get really discouraged about it all.

 The last week or so has been better. Brian and I made some decisions about goals and our course of action, and I set up some appointments and tests to hopefully gain some insight and work towards further healing.

 Something new I am doing is a hair analysis. Brian helped me collect the sample a couple days ago;  I let him take a scissors and cut out tiny sections of my hair all over the back of my head. It was a little scary and sad, as my hair is already thinner than it used to be due to hormone imbalance, but hopefully it will be well worth the sacrifice. After obtaining the sample, you put the hair in an envelope and mail it off to some scientists and they let you know what your body has been doing with the nutrients you've been taking in, and if there are any mineral deficiencies or toxic metal build up and even your metabolic type and how stress is affecting your body! It should be very helpful for determining what supplements and foods I need to focus on adding and also removing from my diet to achieve optimal balance. Anything that helps remove some guesswork in this area has always been a huge help for me; less wasted time and energy and money? Yes please!

 It's so tricky when you already have good, whole food diet and try to exercise and have removed most of the toxic chemicals (in the form of beauty products, and cleaning and soap products, food additives, etc.) to know where to start when you have lingering health issues or flare-ups. Get some help with the "fine-tuning" as I call it; tests that let you know what's going on inside are essential to solving the puzzle.

 I also had an appointment with my NAET practitioner. I hadn't seen her since October, and I could tell there was just something that needed to be cleared. People ask me how I know when I need to go, and it's hard to explain, but I get this something is hanging around me and like there is something weighing on my chest. It's very subtle and yet very real and hard to ignore. Sometimes it will pass without needing to make an appointment, but if it's been there for several months and I don't know exactly what it's about then it's time to get a little help and dig around so I can let it go. And I really do feel a difference, whether it ends up being treated through NAET, NET, or another "treatment", the feeling really will be gone and I will know it's been cleared. I know, energy work is hard for some people to understand or maybe even kinda freaks them out, but I believe there is a place for it and that it does make sense. My appointment with Alicia was indeed very helpful and freeing and I once again learned a lot about myself.

 Currently, at home I am spending my time caring for Sophie and Nathaniel, trying to homeschool to the best of my ability, trying to keep the house tidy and work on some organizing projects, cooking healthy meals for all of us, finding time for exercise and yoga, and doing my best to do it all with  "a quiet and gentle spirit", which I do not always succeed at. I also make time for devotions and quality time with Brian top priorities.

At the moment I am feeling well. I feel rested and calm and happy. I feel that God is holding me and know that He is working everything out exactly as it should be. I don't always feel that reality, but I know it's true regardless of whether or not it feels like it. What a comfort our faithful Father is! Forever patient and merciful, He has not let me go, even though I worry and doubt and fear. The peaceful moments, the moments when you really feel that you are resting in Him, hold on to those; they will carry you through the darkness. Remember and believe in His good intentions for you. If He hasn't let you go by now, why should He ever?

"But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth." {Psalm 86:15}

"I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word." {Psalm 119:15-16}



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