I'm working on a couple posts, but my laptop has been giving me trouble and won't let me type out posts on it, so I have to do it all on my phone which isn't exactly easy, so it's taking some time. And also, I write when I need to write, and sometimes, I don't need to write. 😊 Hopefully I will be posting something new soon though.
{This is going W E L L} Brian gave me this mug for Christmas, and it's my favorite.❤ All the work I've been doing to retrain my brain and heal my body has been going very well, and I am so excited and optimistic about the future! I mentioned previously that I would be starting the Dynamic Neural Retraining System, (DNRS), which works with neuroplasticity based techniques to heal an impaired limbic system, which is essentially a brain injury that results from trauma and causes your brain to process and store information as if you are in a constant state of "fight or flight", or emergency response. Trauma is relative to every individual, and there are different types of trauma; obvious things like death, war, victim of a crime, major accidents, and those sort of things are Traumas with a capital 'T'. Things like illness, chronic stress, unstable family life, negative relationships, and many others, are traumas with a little 't'; on ...
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