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NAET and more....

Ah! So much inside of me that wants to come out...I feel like I'm full to bursting.
So many changes and adjustments and evaluating going on.
It's mostly good....definitely feels like I'm making progress. But that doesn't mean it's easy or not painful at times.
 I am so thankful that God led me to these NAET treatments and Alicia (my NAET practitioner). I have seen good results already, and have more appointments scheduled for the coming weeks. But NAET isn't just helping me eliminate my food allergies, it goes deeper and is helping me deal with emotions and my subconscious belief systems and work through things that have been holding me back.
 Something I have noticed recently is the thought that, as I make progress and heal, I need to adjust my perspective of myself and allow myself to indeed Be Well.
For someone who hasn't been living with a long term, chronic type medical/emotional health issue, this might seem a little strange. Yes, of course, I want to be well. I am so ready to be well! But when you have health issues that last for years, it changes your view of yourself. You are used to answering peoples inquiries of "how are you doing?" with an update on your health. You are used to searching out answers for mystifying symptoms. You can't imagine not taking supplements everyday, or going a full month without an appointment to a doctor or health practitioner of some kind.
In short, your illness becomes YOU. Or it will if you let it.
 So I have been really trying to focus on my progress, so that as my body heals, my mind can heal, and hopefully I can come through this wholly and not have to wait for my "self" to catch up.
It continues to astound me that God has allowed us to learn so much about the human body.
I haven't really explained NAET on here yet, but when my friends ask, I usually tell them something like this:
 NAET is an allergy elimination treatment; allergies being defined as "something that blocks normal energy flow in the body". It works with your body's energy to "re-imprint" your brain to accept something that your body is currently reacting to by restoring normal energy flow. The way your body's energy flow works is it goes through a full cycle every 24 hours. If you can "reset" your brain to recognize a current allergen as safe, and then go through a full energy cycle without disrupting that, then your brain will "re-imprint" and the allergen will no longer be seen as a threat, and your body will accept it as safe.
The way NAET gets your brain to "re-imprint" is by exposing you to the allergen (contained in a tiny vial of clear liquid) while you receive acupuncture on specific locations (hands, wrists, elbows, ankles and feet) to open the energy meridians so that your body's energy flow is optimal and when you are exposed to the allergen at this time, your brain will perceive that all is well and will continue too as long as you don't break the cycle of energy flow before it has time to "re-imprint".
To facilitate this optimal energy flow, once you finish your NAET session (about 30-40 min. of acupuncture), you will go home with an "AcuStem"( a small, vibrating massager) and stimulate the same points where you had acupuncture every two hours while awake until the 25 hour avoidance phase is over.
The 25 hour avoidance phase is the time after the NAET treatment that you have to avoid the allergen completely, in all its forms. So for egg, not only do you avoid egg and foods containing egg (like bread), you also avoid eating or touching poultry, and even things like down comforters or pillows or jackets. If your energy flow is disrupted before the full 25 hours have passed, your  energy could become blocked again and your brain could default back to "allergen mode" and you will have to re-do that NAET for that item.
I also had another treatment done by Alicia called The Bars. I didn't know anything about it really before I had it done, and I still haven't looked into it much (don't feel like I need to, really), but I do know it helped me. A lot, actually. It is supposed to help you let go of things that are subconsciously holding you back and weighing you down, and I cannot entirely explain it, but it really did do that for me. Things I was carrying, deep emotions that were mostly painful or sad or stressful, do not burden me like they did....I still feel things, and I still care about things, but not in the same way. Its more like I can feel them and recognize them and them let them go and not get stuck in the downward, inward spiral. I can just let myself feel them and then move on until they come up again. It has helped me accept certain things too; parts of my story that surprised me or just upset me have become ok with me.
That doesn't mean that somehow, magically, I feel completely happy about everything that has happened in my life. But I can more easily allow these things to be part of my story instead of resisting them.
God has a Plan, and it is good for me that I am not in control. I can feel Him working in me and on me and am excited for how He will work through me. I know that all these things are working together to bring me to the person He wants me to be, the person He made me to be. I believe that there is good coming from my struggles, not only for me, but for others.
So like I said, I feel full to bursting with all the emotions that I am feeling...and though it is not painless, it is sweet and it is beautiful.

"I waited patiently for the Lord;
And He inclined to me,
And heard my cry.
He also brought me up out of a horrible pit,
Out of the miry clay,
And set my feet upon a rock,
And established my steps.
 He has put a new song in my mouth—
Praise to our God;
Many will see it and fear,
And will trust in the Lord." Psalm 40:1-3


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