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So last night I didn't fall asleep until probably around 12:30, and then woke up again when Brian left for work at 4am and didn't sleep for at least an hour. (My back was/is hurting and I couldn't get comfortable.)
This morning I sat and read Bible stories to the kids while sitting on the couch with a heat pad on my back.
Decided maybe a hot bath would help.... So turned on the computer and told the kids they could play while I took a bath.
Ran a nice hot bath, added oils and Epsom salt...ahhh! Nice.
Only in the bath for about 10 min., and Nathaniel comes charging in, yelling "Pottyyyy!!"
Now, he knows he isn't allowed to pee standing up in our house,but pulls his pants down, stands there, and proceeds to pee....not in the toilet, (somehow he misses that), but all over the toilet seat, his pants, underwear, shirt, the floor and his feet.
Oy. Vey.
I wanted to yell....but I didn't. I wanted to just stay in the bath and say, "Sorry kid, figure it out yourself." But I didn't.
Did I mention I also have a honey face mask on?
Anyway, I wrapped my sticky-faced, dripping-wet self in a towel, stripped him down and wiped him off as best as I could with a warm washcloth. Thought about throwing him in the bath, but I wasn't about to waste a tub full of hot, oiled, salted water on a three year old who would probably only yell at me cause he wanted to go watch his sister play computer.
Get him, the toilet, and the floor wiped up, put a Pull-Up on him and climb back into my now only-slightly-warm bath.
This is not the first time, and it certainly won't be the last time, I will be in this type of situation. Children have an uncanny ability to create "emergencies" at the most inconvenient moments.
The best thing to do is prepare yourself for this with prayer and remember that in these particularly difficult scenarios God is shaping you and them; growing you in patience and love, and giving you the opportunity to exemplify the appropriate reaction for their own future difficulties.
You should also just wait to take baths, go potty, put on make-up, read, dress, eat or anything else until either your husband gets home or the kids are in bed!


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