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Yes, that's an egg. Because eggs are back! My latest treatments, called NAET, are helping me to finally be free of my food allergies and egg is now OK. I am so happy about it!!
Also pictured are toast with honey, almond butter and cinnamon, and a butter lettuce salad with honey mustard dressing and some leftover grilled turkey patty. Have you ever tried Costco's frozen turkey patties? Good price for protein and super great for a quick meal.
OK. This dish is so good....not just for breakfast, but it is especially great for breakfast because you get a couple of servings of veggies in first thing in the morning and it tastes great and feels like you're eating a porridge, but ha! Its vegetables! #winning. Anyway, its cauli puree, mixed with some roasted butternut squash and sweet potato, and a little bit of Hempler's ham. Add a little nutmeg for seasoning, and some avocado oil or butter. And I often throw a spoonful of sauerkraut on top. (Add it after heating, to preserve all the good tummy bugs.)

More turkey patty with more butter lettuce and more honey mustard....why mess with a good thing, right? Also some grilled asparagus and sweet potato fries. Yum. Oh and some lemon ginger tulsi tea, because my tummy needs all the help it can get. And herbal tea, especially brewed strong, is a great way to "drink your medicine."
 More of my lovely veggie porridge concoction and tea...lots of tea. Did you know, ladies, in the second half of your cycle, and especially the last two or three days before your period starts, your liver is "detoxing your hormones" and the better it works at removing the estrogen, the less likely you are to have cramps and PMS and all that fun stuff? So do yourself a favor and guzzle some dandelion tea, or detox blend tea, or nettle tea and give your liver a boost. And avoid alcohol, because it is not your liver's friend.
Pan fried lamb chops (see that nice, brown sear?!) and a skillet risotto type dish of rice, butternut squash/sweet potato, spinach and a little curry powder. Delicious! And my kids love eating lamb chops, a.k.a. "steaks you eat with your hands." Lamp chops are another quick, easy protein options. Make sure to sear them so the strip of fat on the side gets all crispy and amazing...
Kinda repetitive this week... More risotto skillet rice/squash/sweet potato/spinach combo, this time with some chicken thrown in.
After I have a NAET treatment, I have to avoid the allergen being treated for 25 hours. To make it easier on myself, I batch cooked cauliflower puree, roasted a pan of butternut squash & sweet potato, and a dish of brown rice. I normally batch cook, since having leftovers is one of the best, easiest ways to eat healthy, since you always have something good ready to go.

Quick breakfast for myself of leftover roasted broccoli, beets, and some homemade turkey patties. I love ground turkey for making meatballs or patties or even just fried into crumbles to sprinkle on salads or green beans or other greens.
Family dinner of roasted broccoli, homemade turkey patties and white sweet potato with sauerkraut. The rest of my family had regular baked potatoes with "all the fixin's".


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