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Updated Supplement Protocol

This is my current protocol of supplements we are using to support my body in healing my gut, hormones, and overall health. I am posting this partly to document my progress, and also to share what is working for me,  and to maybe give people ideas to ask their doctor about. Do not just start taking any supplement without working with a trained practitioner. There are too many personal and varying factors to navigate the world of supplements and vitamins alone. Do yourself a favor and get professional, knowledgeable help to give you the best chance at complete recovery and fastest results.

I saw my Naturopath last week, and we went over my symptoms and adjusted my supplements and added in a couple new things. This protein shake is one of the new additions to my treatment plan.

OptiCleanse GHI is a protein powder supplement that we are using to support healing my gut, specifically leaky gut, and also support liver detox. It tastes quite good actually, which I was very surprised and happy about. Normally I hate protein powders or bars because they have a terrible taste or aftertaste, and a weird gritty or chalky texture. This shake does taste like it has vitamins in it, but only mildly so to me, and the texture, depending on how many scoops you use (1-2) is very palatable as well, though it does have a tiny bit of  "grittiness" once you swallow it, but really, it is very good all things considered. I am finding that I am craving it, which, when I don't particularly love something, is always a sign to me that I must really need it. Also, it has pea protein in it and in the past that would have upset my digestion very much, and this has not bothered me at all, so it must be formulated well. And my gut must be healing. 😊
I also add Inositol to my shake to support emotional wellness and mood, blood sugar balance, and ovarian health.
I add 1-2 scoops of collagen as well, to help heal my gut lining. Collagen and gelatin both help to seal the holes in your gut lining due to leaky gut. Collagen is also great for healthy hair, skin and nails.
Besides the fact that this shake is an easy way to get in a lot of nutrients quickly and easily, part of the reason my Dr. suggested I start it is because I was still having issues of mild indigestion, which are often caused by stress. When you are stressed, your body is not in "rest and digest mode" and your meal will just sit there and when that happens regularly, this can result in a variety of problems.
So now, if I have a rushed or stressful morning with the kids, I can still have breakfast. Or if I have a day where I don't have much of an appetite, this is an easy way to nourish my body.

The supplements pictured above are for supporting my immune system, balancing hormones, healthy microbiome, brain support, healthy skin, and liver detox support.

 Bio-Gest has been very helpful for me, aiding digestion and supporting optimal stomach acid levels, which is very important not only for digestion but also to "sanitize" the small intestine. Low stomach acid, which I believe was largely caused by the TUMS I took non-stop when I was pregnant with Nathaniel, is one of the reasons I ended up treating SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, see previous blog posts) earlier this year. Also, inadequate stomach acid can cause nutrient deficiencies because if you don't break food down so the body can absorb the nutrients, it doesn't matter how good the food you are eating is; your body can only use what it can break down and absorb. This is why good digestion and gut health are crucial to our overall health.
Serenagen is for my stress and mood.  Adaptogen is also to help with stress and mood, and specifically to support the adrenals. B vitamins are essential for a number of reasons; I am taking it for energy, mood, stress, and brain support.
DIM+I3C is specifically for estrogen metabolism, which basically means it helps your liver clear out excess estrogen, which is important for balanced hormones and good skin and mood. I have noticed an improvement in PMS symptoms and also length and regularity of my cycle since I started taking it. I really like this Seeking Health DIM because it doesn't have a lot of additives or fillers like some supplements do.

This is my bedtime round of supplements. The calcium helps relax and calm me. The magnesium also relaxes and calms, but it does so much more than that. Magnesium is vital to many different functions, including cellular, brain, nervous system, muscles movements, mood, anti-inflammatory, balanced blood sugar and blood pressure, and much more. Many people are deficient in it, so supplementing is a good idea. Another way you can "take it" is in Epsom salt bathes, as your body can absorb it through your skin. Just be sure to add enough salt to your bath, probably 4-5 cups is a good estimate, and stay in long enough to absorb it. I personally like to aim for at least 30 minutes. 
GABA supports relaxation and sleep. 
It is a naturally sourced, bio-identical neurotransmitter that calms the brain and body, supporting a calm, quiet brain which helps you fall asleep.
I also take LDN (low dose naltrexone). LDN can help with a wide variety of disorders and conditions. My doctor suggested it for me to help with my sleep, my thyroid, my gut motility and pain, and mood. Results vary from person to person, but it seems the general consensus is that there aren't really any side effects to keep you from trying it to see if it works for you. I have found it helpful. Look up to learn more if you're interested.

So, there it is; everything I'm currently taking to support my body in healing and optimal wellness. And good news!- I can feel a huge difference already. My mood and energy have been so much better and more stable, and also my digestion has been wonderful. I have tried a lot of new foods over the last ten days and it has gone amazingly well. Thank You God!
I think since we treated SIBO, we can now finally, actually, fully, treat leaky gut, and then hopefully lowering inflammation and immune response will help most of my remaining symptoms to go away.
And also, getting some good liver support will help with detoxing and getting out any "garbage" that is either sitting around or, worse, recirculating. (For example, I mentioned that the DIM supplement aids the liver in metabolizing estrogen; in other words, the liver is supposed to package up excess estrogen and ship it out, but if the liver is sluggish or backed up, then that estrogen sits around and gets reabsorbed, creating hormone imbalances and symptoms. Yuck.) 
My digestion considerably improved after treating SIBO, and my doctor feels pretty confident that once we heal the leaky gut, I will be able to eat most of the foods I haven't been able to for the past few years. Leaky gut allows food particles to pass into your blood stream, causing an inflammatory and immune response which produces symptoms similar to an intolerance or allergy, but if you can stop that leak and seal off the gut lining again, then the whole body can calm down and inflammation goes down and you won't have the symptoms you were having when eating those trigger foods anymore. Yay!
 I will still avoid gluten, as gluten has been linked to causing leaky gut, and also linked to thyroid issues. And I will still avoid processed foods, except for occasional treats, because they just aren't nourishing. Whole foods are best for your body.
I will still probably avoid conventional dairy too. My family has a history of dairy intolerance, and if you are consuming things that are creating inflammation, then you will eventually probably experience symptoms from that. Plus I'm perfectly happy with goat and sheep dairy, which are delicious and easier to digest. A2 milk is also an option, as it doesn't contain the A1 protein, which makes it an easier to digest alternative to "regular" cow milk. Remember, you are what you ABSORB. Easier digestion=healthier body.
 I will also avoid soy, because it has been linked to hormone imbalance due to its estrogen mimicking ability.
Lol...I know, it sounds like I'm still going to being avoiding a lot of foods, but compared to what I was eating during the SIBO diet, and even before that, only avoiding gluten, soy, and conventional dairy is nothing.
Oh, and sugar. Natural sugars like honey or maple syrup or occasionally coconut sugar in paleo baked goods are ok in moderation, but I will limit my sugar intake, even of natural sugars, too. My skin greatly improved once I stopped eating sugar. 

My current symptoms come and go, and vary. They seem to be closely connected with the timing of my menstrual cycle, as well as the amount of stress or busyness currently happening in our family. 
But, looking back to the beginning of this year, and to previous years, I can see great improvements. I have learned how my body works, and what makes it function well and what does not support it. I don't have it all figured out, of course, but I am way more in tune and aware of my body than I was before I became sick. I understand now a lot of the reasons I became ill in the first place; I did not support my body. I took it for granted. Now I know that physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual balance and support are all necessary to be the best version of me. I eat better, empathize and sympathize better with others, and I have grown closer to my husband, and most importantly, in my walk with God. 
So, while it's been difficult, extremely painful and heartbreaking at times, it is for the best. I truly know and believe that. And if you are struggling, know that there is hope. You CAN get better, God made your body with such care and it is, amazingly, designed to heal. 

Do not mistake the middle for the end. Keep going. Health is the journey of a lifetime. ❤


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