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Showing posts from March, 2018

WhatIEat#30 [Low Lectin Diet]

Following my hair analysis, I was encouraged to give a low lectin diet a try in hopes that it will promote further gut healing and lower inflammation, helping to balance hormones and boost overall well being. ...I was a bit reluctant to start another new diet phase, but I am willing to give it a try, so here we go!  This was today's breakfast: Lamb meatballs, fried with some diced onion and grated sweet potato, seasoned with a dash of garlic and onion powders, sautéed kale, and cauliflower puree, seasoned with pink salt , nutmeg and a drizzle of avocado oil. Nourishing, satisfying and delicious!  Turkey, sliced avocado, lettuce, and avocado mayo roll ups. Easy, fast, yummy. Broiled asparagus, broiled broccoli, fried, grated sweet potato, and a crispy fried chicken thigh. Breakfast scramble: Homegrown eggs, spinach, grated sweet potato, and avocado. My chicken soup. My kids call it Chicken-Noodle Soup, since I shred the chicken and it takes the place of th

A Fresh Approach

 I finally got my hair analysis results and had a follow up with the clinical nutritionist who ordered it for me, as well as an appointment with my Naturopathic doctor; a plan to support healing is underway!  The hair analysis provided a fresh approach to our plan of support. It confirmed that my adrenals are not functioning optimally, and also confirmed thyroid needs support, but that it is leaning toward hypo (slow) rather than hyper (fast) at this point. I also need a couple mineral levels to come up a little and one mineral, manganese, is off the charts high, so working on getting that down.  I was having anxiety type attacks; feeling jittery,fast heartrate, lightheaded, tightness in stomach. Previously whenever I started a phase like this, I assumed it was a hyperthyroid flare, but now, seeing that my thyroid is actually a little slow, we had to figure something else out.  I've been dealing with insomnia since last December at least, and the mood swings that anyone has

Fear Is A Liar

 Things have been a bit rough lately for me. You would think that at some point you would somehow get used to the rollercoaster ride of chronic illness, but it really doesn't get easier. Maybe you understand some things more, or learn to cope with symptoms, or give up on things ever going back to how they used to be, but the little comfort there is in the familiarity of "we've been here before" isn't enough to get you through it all.  I realized that maybe one reason it doesn't get easier to go through the ups and downs is because I have not lost hope. I have not stopped living the good days to their full potential. Maybe that makes the bad days hurt a little more, but if you can't embrace the good days, I think that's a sign of moving to the next level of despair.  Don't give up. As Spurgeon says, in one of my favorite devotionals, " Be full of hope! Hope forever! For God does not fail you." (July 21 evening -Morning and Evening-Sp


[Lord, Speak To Me, That I May Speak] Lord, speak to me, that I may speak  In living echos of Thy tone; As Thou hast sought, so let me seek Thine erring children, lost and lone. O teach me, Lord, that I may teach The precious things Thou dost impart; And wing my words that they may reach The hidden depths of many a heart. O lead me, Lord, that I may lead The wandering and the wavering feet; O feed me, Lord, that I may feed  The hungering ones with manna sweet. O strengthen me, that while I stand Firm on the Rock and strong in Thee,  I may stretch out a loving hand To wrestlers with the troubled sea . O use me, Lord, use even me, Just as Thou wilt, and when, and where; Until Thy blessed face I see, The rest, Thy joy, Thy glory share. (by Francis Havergal,1872)

A Light in the Darkness

Laying in bed with a cold or flu....not where I want to be on a Sunday morning. Especially when one of my faraway sisters is home for a visit and I want to meet my new nephew. I'm also sore from climbing a 20 ft. tree yesterday to rescue Nathaniel (my 5yr old) from the very tippy top... The last two weeks have been quite the rollercoaster ride; symptoms, physical and emotional, some that haven't showed up for quite awhile, have been coming and going and it's been challenging to stay on top of it all. Between the insomnia, coming down with this sickness, and my cycle being off, the hormonal fluctations haven't been pretty... This isn't to say that everything has been bad -there have been really great days where I felt amazing- but the ups and downs have been quite drastic sometimes, which is very confusing and exhausting. I just want to feel stable and be consistent! It's so hard not to get discouraged and feel defeated when going through seasons like this.