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Good & Messy

This is my lunch today. Aside from all the pretty colors in this picture, it's not super attractive.....In fact, I think chef Gordon Ramsay would probably be offended that I even took a picture of it. But sometimes, its the messy stuff that ends up tasting the best.
What is it? Leftover enchilada topped with half an avocado and two farm fresh fried eggs, and a little salsa. SO GOOD.  The spicy with the creamy and the gooey with the chewy.....mmm.  And I cannot get enough avocado the last few I'm eating at least one day. I'm so proud of myself! Lol Up to about two years ago, I hated avocado. But my taste has changed and now I enjoy its creamy addition to salads, smoothies, sandwiches, burgers, Mexican food and eggs. As long as its ripe, that is. There is definitely a "sweet spot" for avocado ripeness. Too ripe and it tastes like banana (yuck!) and too soon and it's hard not creamy and tastes really grassy. But a perfectly ripe avocado is delicious. Maybe I should have titled this post 'Avocado Love'..... ;)
Actually no, I have something more. My brain is always "overthinking" everything and so of course there was a life lesson in my ugly bowl of deliciousness.
Life is messy. My house, my kids, me, none of it is always picture perfect (usually not). Things can get pretty ugly sometimes even. (I beg you, do not come to my house unannounced. Especially before 10:30am...)
But there can still be an abundance of goodness in the messy stuff. Piles of dishes and laundry might take over your home, but if the kids are dressed and fed and you know there will be dinner on the table tonight, things really aren't so bad. And if they're giggling away in the blanket fort you made them, even better. My bathroom might not be clean but at least I have one. I might be a greasy mess with no makeup on at noon, but that probably means I did a workout or decided to do something with the kids before taking care of myself.  We get too worried about imperfection and it steals joy from our lives. We fail to see our kids playing nicely together and only see the mess they're making. We forget to be thankful for food on the table because we are dreading the dishes later. We see friends posting family pictures where everyone is in matching clothes and clean and smiling and we judge ourselves by that standard.
We judge our imperfections against others "perfections".
We seem to automatically "judge a book by its cover" and let that judgment shape how we feel about ourselves and about others. Silly, isn't it?
There is beauty in messiness. It means life is happening. It means that you have priorities other than perfection.
There is freedom in some messiness too. Not being so worried about what others think or if your kids are going to destroy your just-cleaned living room is really relieving. Give yourself some room to breathe. Of course, hoarding or overscheduling or any thing to the other extreme is not optimal either. Its about balance.
Sometimes I make lovely dinners, beautifully presented and amazingly delicious. It gives me joy to do that. But other times, its leftovers and paper plates. And that's ok too. Sometimes less dishes and cooking time make for a more relaxed mama, and that's a beautiful thing. :)
And sometimes, my lunch of leftovers ends up tasting better than original dish, even if it is ugly.


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