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Showing posts from March, 2017

Daily Life

What's going on with me right now:   Sticking with my smoothie and workout goals for the month. I've got two workouts and 5 smoothies left before meeting my goals, and nine days to do it. This is the second month I've set some goals for myself and I like it. I purposely do set them at a moderate level (every other day), so that they are doable, but still keep me motivated. I enjoy the way working out makes me feel, so that usually happens more often than the smoothie, so I will definitely be exceeding my goal on that. But that's good :) I feel like a lot of times people set goals too high and then if you can't complete them, you feel guilty, like a failure, and are less motivated to do anything. Figure out what will be doable for you, not what your "perfect world" situation would be. You will feel proud that you completed your goal and be encouraged to keep at it. I set my workout goal for a minimum of 20 minutes but usually end up doing almost an hour of


Making Dutch pancakes for breakfast. Be prepared to make quite a few, as they are thin and can be eaten quickly. Curry risotto with butternut squash, spinach, bacon, and some pecorino romano cheese. Like my Harvest soup, but thick and creamy. I love eating eggs for breakfast. They were definitely one of the hardest things to eliminate from my diet, but I did for a year and a half. Thanks to NAET treatments, I can eat them every day now with no worries :) These had some spinach and ham stirred in. And I've been guzzling echinachea tea off and on to boost my immune system during these rainy days. I'm ready for some Summer sunshine for sure! Chicken thighs, butter lettuce, broccoli, and mashed potatoes. The chicken and lettuce are drizzled with Honey Mustard dressing. The mashed potatoes are a little dark, since they fried a little bit in the pan before I mashed them. BBQ shredded beef, broccoli, and GF cornbread with butter and honey. This lovely breakfast was NO


"The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord." (Lamentations 3) "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.....Those who wait on the Lord shall inherit the earth."(Psalm 37) "I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouth -Praise to our God; many will see it and fear, and will trust in the Lord." ( Psalm 40)  Sometimes, all we can do is wait. Sometimes, what God wants most of all from us is not something we can do, but rather for us to be still and wait and hope and trust. Sometimes, there is something that you should do, something that needs to be fixed or tended to, or made right. But not always. Or maybe not right now. God can work in us powerfully when we can j


Family dinner-  "Enchi-sagna" is what Brian called it. I made enchiladas, except I was in a hurry, so I just put down a layer of corn tortillas, poured all the filling on top, and then another layer of tortillas, sauce and cheese. I like to top my enchiladas with lots of lettuce, green onions, cilantro, avocado, salsa verde, sour cream, and salsa. Sometimes, I make sauce with sour cream, mayo, taco seasoning, green onion or dried chives, garlic powder and onion powder. My kids like "Pink Sauce", which is just ketchup and sour cream mixed together, but its a definite thing here in our house. In fact, Sophie thinks it's her original invention and wants to bottle and sell it Lol Cauliflower chowder and corncakes. The chowder is "loaded" style; sour cream, cheese, bacon, green onion. The corn cakes happened because I wanted a side for the soup didn't have enough time to make cornbread. Comfort food! Stompot, a Dutch dish of potatoes and gr

Progress and Empowerment

Yay! Great stuff happening lately. Since completing the Top 15 NAET treatments, I've had two combination treatments; hormones and heat, and seratonin and minerals. I have already noticed an improvement in my skin and mood since doing the Hormone NAET treatment, and these last two have brought me to an even stronger place. If you haven't been following my journey through NAET, I suggest you read previous posts where I explain it more in detail. I truly feel that God has used these treatments to really facilitate healing and help me get to know myself better, and also to let go of alot of emotional burdens I was carrying. Since completing the last treatment I had (seratonin and minerals), I have been feeling  really excited and empowered. It just feels really good to be this far into theses treatments. I feel strong. I feel like my body is so much more whole....Like things are working properly. I have bad days where I feel defeated and disfunctional and weary, but those days