What's going on with me right now: Sticking with my smoothie and workout goals for the month. I've got two workouts and 5 smoothies left before meeting my goals, and nine days to do it. This is the second month I've set some goals for myself and I like it. I purposely do set them at a moderate level (every other day), so that they are doable, but still keep me motivated. I enjoy the way working out makes me feel, so that usually happens more often than the smoothie, so I will definitely be exceeding my goal on that. But that's good :) I feel like a lot of times people set goals too high and then if you can't complete them, you feel guilty, like a failure, and are less motivated to do anything. Figure out what will be doable for you, not what your "perfect world" situation would be. You will feel proud that you completed your goal and be encouraged to keep at it. I set my workout goal for a minimum of 20 minutes but usually end up doing almost an hour of...
"I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." {John 10:10} Tasting Life Abundant is the way I see my life; as a Christian, everything wonderful and good I experience is a "foretaste of glory divine" that points me to my Heavenly Father in praise and reminds me of the joy that is yet to come.. I want this to be a place where others can be encouraged and inspired on their own journey.