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Transformation // Hair Analysis #2

I haven't posted in over a year. 

I have six drafts that I started writing and never posted because I just couldn't decide what to say, with all the current world events and how I was feeling emotionally and mentally, (kind of all over the place), has been quite awhile since I updated on where I'm at in my health journey.

When I last posted here, I talked about DNRS and what a difference it was making for me. I am very happy to say that, even with the world being turned upside down, I was still able to keep that new level of health I had reached, and I am now doing better than ever.

That's not to say there haven't been a lot of ups and downs, and some really low lows, but I really believe that I healed my root cause issues. 2 years ago, I was working on treating anxiety, SIBO, low stomach acid, HPA axis dysfunction a.k.a. adrenal fatigue (the most severe my doctor had seen on paper), other hormonal issues, and more, all at the same time; it was challenging. I had to adhere to a very restrictive diet, spend an hour a day doing various brain retraining and stress reducing techniques, and I didn't feel well. My tests showed very low functioning of adrenals and thyroid, as well as low level of vital minerals and nutrients, due to lack of gut absorption. I had very low energy, was very emotional and very frustrated that we never seemed to be able to get any positive results to stick. 

But I persevered, with the support of my wonderful husband, health care team, family and friends, and most of all my Heavenly Father, and I am now standing on the side of success; a level of success that will last. That is why you look for root causes and don't settle for "band-aid" medicine; because in the end nothing is fixed by treating symptoms only. You HAVE to address the cause of your issues- whether it's physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, or most likely, a little of everything. 

I had a consultation with my Clinical Nutritionist (CN) yesterday, following my second Hair Analysis (HA).  The difference between my first HA three years ago, and my second one that was done last month is astounding.  My thyroid and adrenal functioning went from very poor to better than average. My CN was blown away; he said "I am just smiling and laughing over here to see these results! It's amazing to have such a turn around. Well done!" 

It was so rewarding to go over the results with him and to actually be feeling so much better, So many times I was told "well, you're really healthy" when I would get test results, which was great to know there wasn't something majorly wrong, but to still feel awful and get that answer was not helpful and very confusing. this time, I do feel better; I have more energy, my mood swings are not as severe, (and seem to be improving every month), and I can eat basically anything (still gluten and soy free), my cycle is regular and period is mild, my skin is clear, my gut works is amazing.

I think one of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to heal is not approaching it wholistically. Baby steps are fine for getting started, but if you want to really overcome something, you have to address all the issues at the same time. There are layers to healing, and you have to address those one at a time, but a multifaceted approach will be much more healing overall compared to just changing your diet or just exercising more or just taking supplements. And I cannot stress enough the importance of dealing with emotional/spiritual/mental issues in healing the physical symptoms. My CN said, when talking about the drastic change in my thyroid, adrenal and metabolic health, "You cannot underestimate the power of the brain's affect in how the body functions. If you change the way your brain works, all bets are off." I encourage you to dig deep and address anything that may be holding you back, in whatever capacity.

I blogged through my health journey, so if you have questions about DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System), how I healed SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), or my diet and supplements, you can look through my previous posts for more info on all that. 

I want you to know though that you can heal. You can improve your wellness and life. You can feel better. I don't want you to think everything is perfect for me now. I did another HA because I still have some symptoms I want to work on. Your health journey is life long. But there is so much you can do to support your health. I feel like the message from mainstream medicine is very detrimental to healing and wellness. People seem to think prescription drugs are the answer to literally everything, never mind that they give you 3 more side-effect symptoms, you can get drugs for those too. People, even many doctors, tell you that what you eat really has no bearing on your health, and that supplements are useless or even dangerous. Doctors seem to only have one solution for women's cycle problems- take The Pill; they don't tell you how it can keep you from ovulating and how that will majorly harm your health in the long run, as long as it "fixes" some of your symptoms, it's fine. We need a major reform in the healthcare system, and it needs to start with people truly understanding how their bodies work and how to support them in their proper functioning. There are many good doctors who really care about their patients and work hard to heal root cause issues, and take the time to understand and explain a wholistic approach. Find one that will work with you and listen to you

So, where am I at and what am I doing these days to support my health? 

I try to eat a healthy, balanced diet. I am able to digest and absorb nutrients properly now, and I have found that I can eat things I once thought I would never eat again. I try to focus on quality proteins, a variety of vegetables, and quality dairy. I can eat the same meals that I prepare for my family, instead of having to make two meals and eat separately from them, which is so wonderful! I can eat nachos with my family on Sunday nights, or enjoy lasagna or enchiladas with friends, or even eat a Reese's Blizzard from Dairy Queen with no symptoms at all. And I am deeply grateful every time. Being so low carb for so long when healing SIBO, while it healed my gut, was not good for supporting optimal health. Women especially do better with complex carbs, otherwise your body can to go into starvation mode and hold onto weight if you restrict carbs low enough for long enough. Your body wants to thrive and it craves balance. I am doing so much better now overall, now that I am eating all food groups in moderation.  

I can exercise again. I mainly do cardio/aerobic type exercise, or body weight strength training, but have started to add in light weights as I get more fit. It doesn't take me days to recover from a workout or make me feel completely drained afterward. I feel good when I exercise and I can feel my endurance increasing.

I try to take time to do deep breathing exercise a few times a week, and in the moments I am stressed. Your breath is a powerful tool that signals to your brain and body what state you are in, and your body will respond appropriately. Deep, slow breaths, where the exhale is longer than the inhale and through the nose tells your body that you are safe and calm, so you can focus on digesting and repairing. Another good technique is just breathing in and out equally, through the nose for five seconds; this balances the autonomic nervous system. Most people are spending most of their time in what I call "emergency mode", and getting out of this mode by healing my limbic system had perhaps the most profound effect on my healing than any other thing I have done.

I am still working on sleep issues. I have insomnia that fluctuates with my cycle...but it seems to be improving somewhat. 

Emotionally I have been more stable, though I do still have mood swings around hormone shifts. As my husband likes to remind me- I am after all, still a woman.😏 (Seriously though, just because lots of women have, say, PMS, that doesn't mean it's normal., and that doesn't mean you can't do anything about it.) The current political/cultural events do have an effect on me, more than I'd like, but I am more resilient than I used to be. Strong faith; a firm, spiritual foundation, is very important for weathering the storms of life. Jesus has promised to always be with me, and I am learning to trust Him more. I know that even when things seem out of control, they are not out of His control. I know that there have been many times in my life where I didn't think I could go on, and I felt hopeless, but He sustained me. We need to endure hard times and challenges because that's how we grow, and that's how God establishes a solid track record with us. We learn to trust Him most by being in a place where we have reached rock bottom and have no other help. It is good for us to be humbled and come to a place where we know that He is our only hope. Then we find that He is everything and more, just as He said.

There are physical reasons though for some emotional and mental symptoms, so try to be aware of your spiritual health, but also don't beat yourself up for having mood swings like a rollercoaster if you have hormone problems or nutrient deficiencies that are causing your problems. That's why you need to take a balanced approach to healing. 

I am looking forward to warmer weather so I can be outside in the sunshine more. I always do better in the sunny months...and I may end up being one of those old people that migrates like the birds do for the winter someday. Lol

I am so grateful to be at this place in my healing journey. I have learned so much. Several people on my healthcare team have told me that I should be a health consultant. I am truly honored when the people I respect so much see value in my experience beyond my own personal health. I would encourage anyone to know that whatever your journey looks like, it is not an accident and there are gems to be uncovered in the darkness and shared with others. Perhaps what you are going through today can be used to help someone tomorrow. Nothing is impossible for God to redeem. 💖 To Him be the glory.


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