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Health and Wellness Update

 I had a doctor appointment yesterday,  and I've been treating SIBO again for the last three weeks.
 Treating SIBO again was not fun, but I didn't have any die off symptoms, and after the usual "mourning period" I always go through, it wasn't really all that hard.
 I've done elimination diets/special diets so many times now that I know that I will always be able to eat something and that I will get through it, but I still have what I call the mourning period where, usually one or two days into the diet, I feel really discouraged and disappointed and cry about not being to eat freely. It usually lasts a day or two now. And then I feel guilty because at least I have access to healthy, whole foods and a variety of options that people in many countries do not have. And then I let it go and move forward and it goes alot better. But it seems no matter how many times I go through a special diet as treatment,  there is always this little mourning period, so now I just accept it, acknowledge it, and then move on.
 The reason we treated for SIBO again was that I was having some reflux issues slowly come back, and since that was eliminated at some point while treating for SIBO the first time, my naturopath thought we should try the same approach.
 After treating with a low carb/no starch/minimal sugar and low FODMAP diet, plus two supplements (one antimicrobial and one biofilm disrupter) for almost two weeks, I was still having the reflux. I was taking a supplement that supplements stomach acid and enzymes, but it seemed like it was quite doing the job. I switched to a different brand and formulation, and within two days the reflux was gone. I continued the SIBO supplements and diet for another week and a half. Then Thansgiving came and I made a gluten free stuffing and sweet potatoes and I ate them with my family. And the next day I went out for dinner with my friends and had pad thai. And guess what? No symptoms! Hooray!
 So yesterday, at my Dr. appointment, we decided that I would wean off the SIBO supplements this week, add foods back in, and next week add in a probiotic.
 Feeling pretty good about that.🙂

 I also ordered a program last week that will teach me how to retrain my brain, specifically my limbic system, so that hopefully I will deal with stress in a better way and my body can be in "rest and digest(and heal)" mode more easily and more often, and allow the healing work that's been done to stay and continue, instead of going back and forth so much.
DNRS, or the Dynamic Neural Retraining System treats your symptoms from the approach of a brain injury that causes your body to overreact to stressors. It's a pretty intense program; there's 14 hours of DVD training to watch in 4 days, along with a student manual, that teaches you all about the limbic system/how your brain works, and then the exercises you do to retrain it.
You then do these exercises for an hour a day for 6 months minimum.
I believe you also have some journaling work, as well as paying special attention to doing things differently, whether that's walking backwards sometimes or brushing your teeth with your non dominant hand or choosing different words than you normally do when speaking about your health challenges. This helps your brain understand that you're doing something new and create new neural pathways.
 It's a big commitment, but seeing the results I've had from doing similar exercises by using YouTube videos, I'm excited to see where this takes me. I have really made alot of progress this year, and I am so thankful for that.❤
 I know God is the ultimate Healer, but I also believe He uses doctors and supplements and medicine and chiropractors and acupuncturists, and many more things,  to facilitate healing. I am so grateful to have access to so many amazing resources to bring my body back into balance and wellness.
 I've learned alot of things through all these treatments that I wouldn't have known otherwise, and it has grown my appreciation for God's amazing design of our bodies and how there are so many natural ways to support our health. He truly has provided everything we need, body and soul.💖
 A few other things I have been using lately are a new toothpaste that breaks down biofilms on your mouth and is naturally very antimicrobial. I ordered it after watching a YouTube video from a girl I follow who has similar health challenges to me, and her nutritionist recommended it because there is a theory that some SIBO might be caused by the bacteria in your mouth. Interesting. Anyway, it can't hurt anything to try the toothpaste I figured, and I have actually found that my mouth feels alot cleaner, so it's definitely doing something.
 I also have been trying to do Epsom salt baths alot more frequently, as I read they are extremely helpful in alleviating symptoms of digestive discomfort, and help in treating mineral deficiencies. Plus they are just so relaxing.😌 For full healing potential, use 4-5 cups of epsom salt, and sit in the bath for at least 20 minutes. This is very good for detoxing as well; I usually sweat alot for the first 10 minutes.
 Another thing I've been trying again is fasting. Intermittent fasting is fasting for a shorter amount of time, usually aiming for at least 16 hours, but some people will go for 24 once in awhile. Generally though 16-18 hours is what people are doing during intermittent fasting. This way of fasting can be extremely healing, allowing you to experience the benefits of fasting while still being able to eat every day. In the past,  depending on the state of my health, particularly my adrenals,  I have had positive and negative experiences with fasting. You do have to be careful not to stress a depleted body by depleting it even further due to lack of fluids and nutrients. I would suggest doing alot of research and talking to your doctor or someone who is educated on fasting before trying it yourself.  It can be a very good tool, as long as you do it in a way that is right for your current condition.
 I am still taking a variety of supplements and LDN, and doing meditation/deep breathing exercises daily.
 Overall, I am doing well and making progress; sometimes faster, sometimes slower, but there is less fluctuation than there used to be. Thank You God.❤
 "Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:19)
 "He restores my soul."(Psalm 23:3)
My Thanksgiving plate- Turkey, roasted carrots with dill, roasted sweet potatoes, green beans, acorn squash with cinnamon and ghee and honey,  and homemade gluten free stuffing.


  1. I'm so glad you're finding answers, even though trial and error is so frustrating!
    You got so much information and a will to search it out. Love you


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