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This Is A New Day

Between treating for SIBO and my new routine/practice for a renewed mindset, I have been feeling so much happier and optimistic and physically well lately.
My husband keeps saying "I'm so happy/thankful you're feeling better." Me too.❤

That doesn't mean everything is perfect, or that I am totally and completely better. We are still working on balancing hormones (waiting on test results coming in June) and I have along way to go diet-wise, adding foods back in. I am still taking the herbal antimicrobials to kill off bad gut bacteria, and adding in probiotics slowly to repopulate my gut microbiome.
And I have to stay committed to my new routine and filling my mind with positive thoughts and truth and recognizing when old habits try to sneak back in.

BUT, there are alot of things that are so much better, such as:

My anxiety.
I didnt even realize how much of what I was feeling was anxiety until I started listening to The Anxiety Guy on Youtube, but once I did and I started treating it as such, I saw dramatic improvement. I feel so much calmer and more peaceful and stable now. The Anxiety Guy talks about desensitizing yourself from your emotional response to your symptoms and thoughts, and I do feel alot more in control of my reactions now, both to bodily symptoms and outside stimuli.
I also recently committed to regular acupuncture treatments, several times a week currently, and that really helps me too. It's so grounding and calming and refreshing. I am getting treated for a few different things, but one thing I'm not sure I've been treated for until now is trauma, and I definitely responded to that immediately, so that's a good sign that I am clearing out emotional baggage that I need to release for complete healing.
I had to get back on a few supplements for adrenals and hormone balancing in the last couple weeks, but I'm not feeling discouraged about it this time. Still making progress, still moving forward, trusting that there is a reason and a lesson to learn from every experience and that God has Plan for it all. 

My skin.
My skin is probably the best it's ever been, which is a good sign of gut and hormone healing. And clear, healthy, skin does wonders for self esteem too. My acne upset me because for one it didn't look nice, and for two, it was a constant reminder to me of my illness and that things weren't right inside. It's so nice to put that behind me.

My abdominal pain and discomfort.
My stomach hurt every night and a lot of days for an entire month before I saw my doctor and started SIBO treatment. It was so much pain physically, and that set off a chain reaction mentally and emotionally... it was so depressing. Especially because I was already on a very strict diet, and I just felt so lost and confused and frustrated about what to eat and it was scary to feel like if I didn't feel well eating what seems to be a healthier diet than anyone I know, how could I ever feel good again? And what's the point of depriving yourself if you feel terrible anyway? Thankfully I have a wonderful naturopathic doctor who never makes me feel crazy or hopeless, and she knew what to do to help me feel better. Killing off the gut bacteria that was in a place it shouldn't have been was not a fun process, but it was definitely worth it! As time goes on, I have more and more days that I feel good and my tummy doesn't hurt at all sometimes now! Progress! Chiropractor visits also really help relieve abdominal pain and relaxation exercises like meditations and deep breathing help to release tensions as well. And as I previously mentioned, I am also getting acupuncture treatments on a regular basis to support liver, detoxing, and lymph flow; basically increasing energy flow and circulation to decrease stagnation that could be contributing to, or even causing, toxicity and hormone imbalance.

My self worth.
I think it's a combination of clearing out bad gut bugs that were making my brain sick and working on renewing my subconscious beliefs that has really made some life changing progress in this area. Releasing suppressed emotions, letting go of other people's judgements and opinions, not letting fear or sadness or guilt control feels so good to say good-bye to all that and move forward into the person God is calling me to be.
I am worthy of love because God says so; He chose me, and He created me for a reason.
I don't have to apologize for being here, because He put me here.
I have value and a purpose, just like every other person who ever existed.
It feels so good to truly know that and feel it.

My energy.
I was so fatigued and run down and never felt rested. I couldn't sleep good and I felt awake at night and tired in the morning...a vicious cycle.  Most days now, especially after my morning calming, yet energizing, routine, I have alot more stable energy levels and get so much more done. And it makes me so happy! Brian had to pick up a lot of slack when I didn't feel good and that made me feel worse (self-inflicted guilt) even though he was so good about it. I'm so thankful for such a supportive husband....some people do not have a spouse who is patient and compassionate and willing to stick with you through the hard stuff,  and my heart hurts for them. My husband is my biggest blessing and my best friend.❤

Speaking of my husband...
My marriage.
Brian and I have grown so much, both together and as individuals, and our marriage is stronger and more wonderful than ever.  Thank you God ❤ He brought us through things we would never choose for ourselves because we are too scared or lazy or shortsighted, so that we would mature and become the best we can be for His glory and purposes. Don't ever feel like God has abandoned you; He loves you so much; far too much to let you have your way or give you control over your life.

My gratitude.
I am so much more aware of all the blessings in my life now. Good health, energy, good sleep, hope; things that we don't really think about when everything is functioning properly. We just take for granted that we will keep going- eating, sleeping, working, playing- until something happens to throw that off, and then you realize that you aren't entitled to anything. It's all by the grace of God. I am a lot more willing to slow down and appreciate the beauty of nature and enjoy quiet time, or lay outside in the sunshine, or just sit and read to my children. Being forced to slow down is a good thing; it teaches you that you should have been doing it all along because it makes you more present and aware, and that helps you to be grateful for what you have, right now. Taking time to stop and appreciate things is hard when you schedule every minute of every day and you're always rushing to this and that, and we get so caught up in what we think we need to do that we fail to actually enjoy life. But every second that ticks by is gone forever, so make sure you realize what you're spending your time on, what you're focusing it really as important as you think it is? Make time for the things that last, because most of what we are doing won't last. And learn to pull yourself into the present by taking slow, deep breaths, and actually looking around you for 30 seconds and saying thank you for the gifts surrounding you. Acknowledging God's goodness and faithfulness in sustaining you is healing to every part of you. And that is really our ultimate purpose; we were created to glorify and praise God, and doing so will make you feel fulfilled and complete.❤

I have a list of songs I've been playing and listening to often the last few days. I thought I'd share them with you, in case anyone needs a good dose of encouragement. (Just type in the name on YouTube and they should pop right up.)
My current top favorite is New Day by Danny Gokey. It just makes me feel alive and optimistic and reminds me that every day is an opportunity to do, or experience, or learn something amazing, and that God has brought me through every challenge before this, and He gives me power to keep going.💛

🔸️New Day - Danny Gokey
🔹️You Say- Anthem Light (cover)
🔸️Control- Tenth Avenue North
🔹️Only Jesus- Casting Crowns
🔹️Maybe It's Ok- We Are Messengers
🔸️The Comeback- Danny Gokey
🔹️God Only Knows- YoungMin You (instrumental cover)
🔸️Stronger Than We Think We Are- Danny Gokey
🔹️God Only Knows- for KING&COUNTRY
🔸️Beyond Me- TobyMac
🔹️Rise- Danny Gokey
🔸️All Creatures of Our God and King- Anthem Lights
🔹️My Everything- Owl City
🔸️If You Ain't In It- Danny Gokey
🔹️Even If- Micah Tyler
🔸️Come Thou Fount- Owl City
🔹️Warrior- Hannah Kerr
🔸️Fierce- Jesus Culture
🔹️I Just Need U- TobyMac
🔸️Dear Younger Me- MercyMe
🔹️The Mission/How Great Thou Art- The Piano Guys
🔸️Nearer My God To Thee- The Piano Guys
🔹️Be Thou My Visioin- David Abramsky
🔸️What A Beautiful Name- YoungMin You (cover)


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