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Showing posts from November, 2018

Truly Glad

I feel like I've been posting about how hard and sad my life is alot, and while we have been going through some especially difficult times recently, it's not all there is to our family life, or my life personally, either. Thanksgiving is coming up in the next few days, and I am going to be intentional about gratitude this week. I am amazed every day by God's beautiful world and by how He upholds and sustains it and us, and by all the blessings we are surrounded with. It is truly humbling to think this is where He placed us...we could have been born anywhere, in any circumstances, but we really hold such a privileged place in this world, not only materially, but spiritually too; the fact that He has called us His children and given us His Holy Spirit to revive our cold hearts is an astounding and awesome gift. I want to focus on praising Him for all His goodness and faithfulness this week. An upward, outward spiral of joy is glorifying to God and healing to our mind an

Heartache and Healing

*Deep breath* Ok. These last few months have been pretty hard. Hard to stay on top of it all. So many changes. So many emotions. I feel such a strong desire for a fresh I want to "clean house"; mentally, emotionally, physically, and my actual house. I want to purge...detox...just take a deep breath and let it all go. Take a long walk and clear my head. It hasn't all been bad. God is faithful and we have felt that as a family and a couple,  and I feel it personally. When everything else seems to be "going wrong" or turning out different than we want or plan, it is such a comfort to know that God is the same, His promises are the same. Health comes and goes, sleep comes and goes, friends come and go...nothing is constant, except God and His everlasting love and kindness. Sometimes we make choices and things turn out way different than we expected. Like with Millie our dachshund puppy. We had to say goodbye to her. It was just too much for


I have been eating more naan lately...I think the change in seasons is making me want more carbs. But I do not gain weight or feel bloated when I eat this paleo naan and I often eat them cold which increases the resistant starch (good for your tummy bugs and less impact on blood sugar), and I try to save carbs for after breakfast. But sometimes I have them warm with and egg in between, along with some greens and maybe onion or herbs, and it is a delicious, healthy start to the day for me . Cauliflower puree with leftover roasted sweet potatoes and chicken is a tasty, fast meal when you batch cook the puree and meat. Drizzled with some avocado oil and seasoned with Himalayan pink salt and maybe a dash of nutmeg it is nourishing and satisfying. I love big salads! My homemade mustard mayo poppy seed dressing with some wild tuna mixed with avocado mayonnaise over some butter lettuce and fresh spinach is a regular on my menu. I bought some paleo ranch dressing from the store bec