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Showing posts from February, 2018

Chicken Soup

YUM. This soup is similar to my veggie detox soup, but without the zuchinni. First, I boiled then simmered 3 frozen chicken thighs (with bone and skin) in some broth for awhile, til they were cooked. Threw in some chopped onions, chopped parsley, chopped celery and a bag of frozn carrots and simmered some more. Chopped like 8 cloves of garlic, set to side. Chopped one bunch of kale. Remove chicken thighs, set aside to cool, add kale. Add more broth. Shred chicken thighs. Throw meat back in and add garlic. Season with pink salt, celery salt, garlic powder. Done. Flavor is even better after sitting in fridge overnight. Light, healthy, so amazingly delicious- this broth is so so good. I'm eating this for every meal today. I often use Mondays as a detox/recovery day, since the weekend usually means treats galore. I did not use zuchinni in this soup  because I am trying to avoid lectins, a substance in many different foods that makes digestion hard, and the practioner I&#


 Family dinner- Breakfast for dinner!  Frittata and a french toast casserole/bread pudding, made with eggnog instead of milk. I was hoarding a quart of eggnog, but figured it was time to enjoy it before it went bad.🙄  My hodge-podge breakfast of leftovers: roasted broccoli, soft boiled egg, pork roast, and one of my dutch pancakes with peamut butter and cinnamon.  Snack of gluten free toast with peanut butter, coconut oil, and cinnamon.  Brian & I, with my parents, out for Mexican. So good! I usually order chili verde (pork with greem sauce) and this one was one of the best I've had...sometimes it's too salty, or tastes like the meat has been in the sauce all day and you can't really taste the meat itself, but this was cooked perfectly soft and not over seasoned. Also, the salsa was amazing! I'm picky about salsa; I don't like chunks and not too spicy, please. This one was thin, midly spicy, and it had green onions in it, which I really liked.    


Paleo Chocolate Waffle. SO GOOD.  We have a birthday waffle breakfast tradition at our house. I like to break a waffle into quarters and stack it so it looks like a slice of cake, with whipped cream and maybe berries in between the layers. A sprinkle of Hagel Slaag or a dash of cupcake sprinkles makes it feel even more festive. Top it off with a candle so the kids can make a wish. :) But I just eat my waffles with butter; they taste that good all by themselves, and they are made with whole food ingredients for the most part, so they don't have to be off limits junk food. It was our daughter Sophie's 7th birthday in January. I found a gluten free funfetti cake mix in a box, and whipped up some homemade frosting for it. It was delicious! I hadn't had funeffti cake in a really, really long time. It was not healthy by any means, as it contained food additives and coloring and such, but as rare an occasion as it is now that I eat that stuff, I was ok with it. I also have b

Life Update

January has come and gone. That went fast!  The past month was full and we had several special family experiences, including our last Christmas party (finally, haha!), a family bowling night with Brian's family, and celebrating our daughter's 7th birthday.  It was also spent, on my part, trying to work through my health issues, which seemed to have taken a little step backwards for awhile. This is pretty normal when you have something going on like adrenal fatigue or insomnia; one system being off will take its toll on the rest of your body, so there is usually some digestive/skin/mood flare ups as well. Thankfully, the more you heal, the less severe the flare ups tend to be. That being said, it is also very frustrating and makes you re-evaluate everything you've been doing, and its hard not to get really discouraged about it all.  The last week or so has been better. Brian and I made some decisions about goals and our course of action, and I set up some appointments