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Showing posts from July, 2017


These are my breakfasts the last two mornings. They both contain beets. I admit, I do not enjoy eating beets....don't like the way they taste. BUT I am a grown-up, and that means that I have to do things pretty much every day that I don't like. And so, I can eat the beets. I think about how they will nourish my body and make me stronger, and how much my liver will love them. Sound weird? Well did you know that your thoughts and emotions while eating affect how your body uses that food? Mindfulness while eating helps us to digest better and absorb nutrients more effectively and helps us to feel well overall. It also helps us to recognize when we are full, hence less overeating (helpful for weight loss). When we pay attention to what our body is actually asking for, we will also be more satisfied, so less overeating, greater wellness. The more healthy whole foods you eat, the more your cravings will shift to healthy, while foods as well. A craving for chocolate could actually b

Releasing Emotions

Learning to let go of emotions takes some practice. Sometimes it takes very conscious effort to release something you are feeling, rather than storing it away somewhere inside of yourself.  I think sometimes we hold on to our emotions very strongly because subconsciously we think that in letting go of something, we will be less than we were. Or because feeling something makes some thing more real to us. Or because we don't want to lose a relationship or our status in a relationship.  I've written before about my miscarriages. Sometimes something will bring them to mind and I will reflect on my experience for awhile. I can honestly say that I have let go of a great part of the pain and heartache and that I am not attached to them anymore. And by not attached I mean that I have accepted them and felt them and allowed them to change me in the way that they were meant to (by God's grace), instead of either suppressing my emotions or living in them. They are still a part of

Honey Face Mask

 I love honey; love eating it, love the smell, love the gorgeous, golden color, love how God designed the whole bee-flower-honey system. I also love to use it on my face!  Honey is so good for your skin and if you're looking for all natural skin care, well, it doesn't come much more natural than pure, raw honey.  Raw honey is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, and clarifying. It contains minerals, enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, and even probiotics. It helps heal your skin, can help with acne and wrinkles and skin infections or chronic skin conditions.  And also, it smells so good!  Side note: all these things mean that raw honey is very good for your insides too, but that's another conversation. 😏  My personal favorite way to use honey on my skin is to apply a good layer over my whole face and neck before climbing into a nice, hot bath. I usually leave it on for 30-60 minutes. When I wash it off, my skin is SO SOFT and glowing and feels clean (but not s
I'm working on a couple posts, but my laptop has been giving me trouble and won't let me type out posts on it, so I have to do it all on my phone which isn't exactly easy, so it's taking some time. And also, I write when I need to write, and sometimes, I don't need to write. 😊 Hopefully I will be posting something new soon though.


I've always loved houseplants and the idea of them; how they clean the air and add a touch of nature to the indoors. A couple months ago I decided I would get a few plants for around the house.... looks like I succeeded 😆🌱🌿 I would still to get a maidenhair fern and and maybe some kind of vine plant too. #cantstopwontstop  My Mom gave me this succulent for Christmas. I love the tiny diamond in the side of the planter, such a cute touch. I got these darling, vintage, gold-trimmed drinking glass from thrift store. They are small and perfect for this trip that sits on our bedroom windowsill. This planter was also from a thrift store (vintage pot?) And I love how it looks with these plants. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚