"He has made everything beautiful in its time..." (Ecclesiastes 3:11) Things have felt somewhere between crazy and disaster for most of the last month around here... Three of us here had whooping cough and we were quarantined for an entire month, and the kids are still in the coughing recovery phase. Our dishwasher broke. The van windshield got a huge crack right in front of the driver's view. Daily life (and long nights with sick kids) is exhausting all by itself a lot of the time. Parenting is hard. I know we aren't alone in this; a lot of other people deal with sickness and parenting struggles and long nights and broken stuff. In fact, everyone deals with most of the stuff I mentioned at some point in their life. So really, all this "crazy stuff" should just be normal life to us, right? But for some reason, we have this idea in our heads of how we think, and even expect, things should go. We create this ideal image in our mind and on our calendars and...
"I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." {John 10:10} Tasting Life Abundant is the way I see my life; as a Christian, everything wonderful and good I experience is a "foretaste of glory divine" that points me to my Heavenly Father in praise and reminds me of the joy that is yet to come.. I want this to be a place where others can be encouraged and inspired on their own journey.