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More Changes...

 Last week was a busy, exciting week for me.
 I already wrote about when Alicia treated me for the Hormone Mix with NAET.  (See Finally.) I also had an appointment with my Naturopathic Dr., Emily. And then I had another appointment with Alicia.
 I am happy to say the Dr. visit with Emily went really well. For awhile I was seeing her at least once a month, and while it was helpful, we kind of stopped making progress, which is why she recommended I see Alicia for the NAET. I felt so different this time...siting there, I actually felt like a different person. Calm, open, stable... I feel like through the NAET and the other treatments I've had with Alicia, we actually got to the heart of a lot of my issues. I feel heard...not crazy. Emily has always been really good about listening too, and making me feel like there was an actual problem (not all in my head), and that we could fix it. Alicia has some great tools to do that.
 As I've said before, I know and believe all healing is ultimately from, and by, God. I try approach all my health and wellness visits prayerfully and humbly. None of this would be possible without His blessing and guidance and care.
 My visit with Emily was just a check-in after NAET kind of thing...she ordered some labs to take a look at thyroid and hormone stuff and a couple mineral levels. I also got a bunch of supplements to have Alicia test to see if I needed them.
 I was feeling pretty good, but I was having sleep issues again. I hadn't been able to fall asleep before 1am since Nathaniel had got sick five days ago. It was like my body flipped the "no sleep switch", and that was it. The first night he was sick I didn't sleep at all til 4am...
 Alicia was going to be going on vacation, and I needed sleep, so I made a last minute appt. with her.
 What she found was that I was "asking" for NET (neuro emotional technique), and she was also able to check if the no sleep issues was actual insomnia (Nope) or something actually not working. It was only emotional. After checking through her NET remedies book (homeopathic tinctures), she was surprised to find that I was "asking" for every single one, all on the emotional level. She said she had never had that happen before, but basically, it meant that because of all the work we've done, and all the shifts and changes, my body was just trying to adjust to everything, down to a cellular level. Pretty amazing stuff! And this transformation was making my brain work overtime sorting it all out, keeping me awake at night. Made total sense to me.
 She tested a bunch of the NET remedies on me, and we narrowed it down to three. She also tested all the supplements from Emily, and out of like 8, I only needed 1. (side note- this is a great service by itself, to get muscle tested to see which supplements work for your body, thus avoiding paying for something that isn't going to really help)
 So, I went home and started using the NET tinctures, and they worked! I fell asleep like a normal person that night, and the next.... Feeling SO much better!
 I really feel like things have come full circle and we are dealing with the original issues and emotions that overwhelmed and "broke" me after Nathaniel got sick four years ago, when he was just three months old. I always knew there was a connection there, and it turns out that a lot of it was emotional.
 Some of the emotions that Alicia was able to link the sleep issues with were things like fear, frustration, shame, dread. These emotions are also linked to specific physical reactions, such as tightness in abdominal organs, or neck and back pain, digestive issues and ear problems; all things I've experienced. Fascinating!
 I can't even explain how different I feel inside....and how not different, but normal, I now feel. I'm still learning about myself, still learning how to use the things I have learned, or how to change my way of thinking before to what is now true for me. I feel like myself. I feel like I was asleep for the first 25 years of my life, and God used this to wake me up. God used these hard things to show me the person He made me to be...and how I was doing things wrong. How much I was carrying inside myself that I should not have been; things that held me back and weighed me down, keeping me from reaching my full potential.
 I thank God for His work in me. For the people He brought into my life to facilitate healing. For the encouragement and prayers of family and friends. For never leaving me to myself, but making me do hard things, scary things, to better myself, and hopefully, the world around me.
 He's not finished with me yet. But I pray the work He has done would truly not "return to Him void," and that He would "be faithful to complete the good work He has begun" in me. To God be the glory.

"Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." 1Peter 5:7


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