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Showing posts from August, 2016


Isaiah 30 "The Lord will wait...that He may have mercy on you." I love this verse!  First of all, how it applies to me. I need the Lord to be gracious with be patient. I am so thankful for His mercies and compassion toward me. I need His perfect example as a guide for my own life. I try to remember these words when I am feeling stressed and upset: my kids, my husband, and anyone else who is in my life will benefit from my choosing to wait to react, instead of just blowing up or going with my emotions in the moment. I am learning right now about not holding on to emotions, but instead, letting them pass through you as you feel them and then letting them go and not carrying them inside of you. (According to one source, emotions should pass through us in about 30-60 seconds!) I think this still verse applies. In fact, allowing anger and frustration to pass through us and then letting it go would be a good way to look at this. I know how I feel in moments of joy an


This morning at breakfast my children were talking about their newest baby cousin, and they were saying they wished they had a baby of our own to hold. I said, "Well, you can pray about it." My daughter, Sophie (5), said, "But I don't know what to say... I said, " You could say something like, 'Lord, if it be Your will, please give us a baby. Help us to be patient.'" They both repeated what I said right away, and then finished their breakfast and went out to play. A little later they came in and my daughter said, "Mom, we prayed for a baby a couple times outside!" Sophie said," I'm praying for a baby girl!," and my son, Nathaniel (3), said "And I'm praying for a baby boy!" And then they went upstairs to play and I heard them praying again: "Lord, please give a us a baby girl *and a baby boy* and please help it to come soon so we can continue our family, and help us to be patient and help it to be a


   Yes, that's an egg. Because eggs are back! My latest treatments, called NAET , are helping me to finally be free of my food allergies and egg is now OK. I am so happy about it!! Also pictured are toast with honey, almond butter and cinnamon, and a butter lettuce salad with honey mustard dressing and some leftover grilled turkey patty. Have you ever tried Costco's frozen turkey patties? Good price for protein and super great for a quick meal. OK. This dish is so good....not just for breakfast, but it is especially great for breakfast because you get a couple of servings of veggies in first thing in the morning and it tastes great and feels like you're eating a porridge, but ha! Its vegetables! #winning. Anyway, its cauli puree, mixed with some roasted butternut squash and sweet potato, and a little bit of Hempler's ham. Add a little nutmeg for seasoning, and some avocado oil or butter. And I often throw a spoonful of sauerkraut on top. (Add it after heating, to


My journey through these last few years has taught me some things... Joy through pain. Health through sickness. Strength through weakness. There have been many blessings, even in the darkness. Times of calm and peace in the midst of storms. Tears of sorrow and tears of joy, sometimes simultaneously. I have been brought low only to be lifted up higher than I have ever been. From the deep places of my heart there have been things brought to light I never knew were there.....things didn't know I was carrying. And I have felt the sweet relief of realizing them and letting them go. I would not have understood the pain of others without experiencing my own, and I would not have felt so compelled to share the hope I have if I had not known how badly others need that hope.  This is what the Bible is talking about in Romans 5, where it says: "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, t hrough whom also we have access b


 I am so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father, who "knows our frame and remembers we are dust.."  (Psalm 103:14)  I take comfort in the fact that He reached for me in my sin, when I was in a state of enmity and death, and He drew me to Himself, without any merit of my own. If He loved me then, He will love me now; even though I fail and sin, He will not let me go, for I am precious to Him. I need to remind myself of this when I am feeling down...when Satan is whispering to me that I am not good enough and I never will be. I need to remember that all I need is to claim Jesus as my Saviour and I am free, forgiven and blameless. Isaiah 54:10 ""For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has mercy on you."  Satan holds my sins before me....tries to burden me with guilt. But God has removed my sin from His sight, "as far as the east is

My playlist~ Heartsongs

Breathe- Jonny Diaz My Everything- Owl City Fierce- Jesus Culture Tell Your Heart To Beat Again- Danny Gokey Dear Younger Me- MercyMe Shoulders- for KING & COUNTRY Just Be Held- Casting Crowns Beyond Me- Toby Mac He Knows- Jeremy Camp Come Thou Fount- Owl City Hope In Front Of Me- Danny Gokey Oceans- Hillsong UNITED


 Breakfast- Carrot juice, Lemon Ginger Tulsi tea, cauliflower puree with nutmeg, sausage and a paleo cinnamon swirl microwave mug cake. Breakfast- Odd assortment of leftover sautéed purple cabbage with asparagus, can of tuna with some mustard powder and pepper, spoonful of raw garlic with raw honey and cinnamon, herbal teas.  Dinner- (can I just say again how much I love my cast iron skillets?!) Sweet potatoes (orange and white), spinach, and ground turkey with sage. Lunch- Broccoli, sautéed sweet potato, beef roast and spinach   Breakfast- Lemon Ginger Tulsi tea, to aid with digestion and hormone balancing, and sweet potato, spinach, beef roast sautéed in avocado oil.  Breakfast- Sauteed zucchini with beef roast    Dinner- Zucchini noodles! I got a spiralizer and this was my first time using it. Also made a pesto sauce with walnuts, cilantro, parsley avocado and garlic. I will family did not like it. It was a bit on the heavily sauced side,

Just Waiting...

Hard to say exactly what I've been feeling lately.... Been doing a lot of re-evaluating and contemplating. Classic me. I wish sometimes I wasn't such a thinker, but I know that the problem is not so much the thinking as it is the letting it control me. I am very logical, analytical, introverted. Hard for me to get out of my head sometimes and just be. But I'm trying. Brian and I were talking and I said something that I am still thinking about a few days later. We were discussing my newest treatment session, (called NAET, an allergy elimination technique), and sometimes my husband gets a bit overwhelmed (understandably) with everything I've got going on, and I said: "I feel like God's not letting me settle. Like some people would just go on and live their lives and accept it and expect to feel bad all the time, but I can't. And I feel like it's because I/we haven't learned what we are supposed to learn yet. And so things are good for a little whi