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Showing posts from May, 2016


Sometimes I just crash. Sometimes, even though I know better, I forget or neglect to take care of myself. My health issues require me to pay extra attention to what I eat and to finding a good balance between rest, exercise and stress. Its hard to do when you have young children who require a lot of attention, and very hard not to feel guilty when you say "I'm important too." Sometimes, I think that I can do everything perfectly. I try to be everything for everyone. And then when I fail to do this impossible task, I am upset...with myself, and sometimes with everyone else. Sometimes, my body just physically cant take anymore stress and I feel like I cant move...cant there is a mute button on life and I just want to lay in bed and rest until I can function again. Sometimes, even though I think I've been trying everything and it isn't working, I take a step back and realize that I'm not doing everything to fully support myself being the best that


10-13-15 02-06-16 Two dates... Two miscarriages in six months. The first one came after almost three years of health issues following the birth of my second child; my son, who is now three and a half years old. My daughter is five and a half years old. I had been feeling better, great actually. I thought I was doctor and midwife thought I was ready. That there had been enough healing for us to consider it safe to open ourselves up to the possibility of another baby. We were blessed with our first two children very quickly, so I was not surprised when after only four weeks of getting the "Ok", I found myself holding a positive pregnancy test. I felt joy...relief...and then..."I am holding you". I heard the words in my heart, and it unsettled me. Why would God tell me that right now, at this very moment?....I do not believe that God "talks" people in a personal revelation kind of way, but I do know that He calms my heart, that He gives me s


Ever since I began to heal from my own health challenges, I have been feeling a growing desire to encourage and help others on their own healing journey. I have learned so much through my own experiences and,while my own healing is very important to me, the biggest blessing I can see coming out of this is that it has made me more compassionate and understanding and sympathetic towards not only the other people in my life who deal with similar issues, but towards everyone.  Because everyone is struggling. Everyone wants health and joy and peace, and there are so many issues that keep us from experiencing those things. The healing in my life has involved many different people and a variety of treatments, but the most important healing was spiritual, and while I believe that God uses and works through all the doctors and techniques and supplements, and that all healing comes only through Him, the spiritual healing and renewal could come ONLY through Him, through His direct work on my hea