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Showing posts from May, 2018

Breathing Practice//Healing Your Body &Mind

I've mentioned that I have been using breathing techniques lately, as a way to help balance the automic nervous system, boost my para-sympathetic nervous sysyem, reduce stress, and facilitate healing. But what exactly does that look like, you might be wondering? There are variations you can find of each technique, but personally I like to use kind of a combination of a few different things. Here's how I do it: I prefer to lay down, but you can also sit. Using your right hand thumb and ring finger (or fourth finger), you will alternate closing one nostril at a time.  To start, take a deep cleansing breath. Fully exhale. Before breathing in again, use your thumb to plug your right nostril. With your thumb closing your right nostril,  inhale, nice and smooth, using your diaphragm (more stomach, less shoulder lift) for a count of five seconds. When you reach the top of the breath at five seconds, pause very briefly,  switching over to your ring finger plugging your left nost


Setting your intention for the day can be a very helpful practice to having a great day. The mornings I start my day with prayer and a breathing practice, mediation or visualization are often noticeably better than the days I am woken up by my children bursting in, pulling me out of sleep to solve the first problem of the day. And even if that does happen, taking time afterward to focus and restart that positive mindset is very beneficial. The Bible tells us to "renew our minds", and I think that is something that we really need to be intentional about. For me, as a stay at home mama, with nearly the same tasks to do every day, it's so easy to slip into habits and attitudes and reactions without even realizing it; this tends to make the days feel more monotonous and frustrating  Meditation in the morning, either alone or guided, can be so refreshing and freeing. Sometimes we carry all our previous day's troubles into the next one, and that really doesn't help

WhatIEat#31 (low lectin diet)

Lamb meatballs, sauteed with carrot, celery, onion and spinach, seasined with pink salt, onion powder, and garlic powder.  One of my favorites these days. Served over sweet potato puree. I usually eat a huge salad  for lunch. This one had shredded chicken and grated carrot, drizzled with avocado oil and salt and pepper. Macadamia nuts on the side. Homemade kale chips. They have the same flavor profile of the roasted broccoli, so I'm really enjoying them too. I usually just de-stem, wash, and chop and bunch of kale, then spray with avo. oil and a sprinkle with pink salt. Put under a hot broiler and watch closely as it can toast pretty fast...sometimes I just let the outside or top ones get crunchy and then put the rest in the fridge to save for quick sides or salad toppings. If you want it all the turn into chips, you have to make a very thin layer or the kale will steam on itself and not get crispy. Lovely plate of cauli puree, roasted carrots and beefalo roast. Yes, bee