I haven't posted in over a year. I have six drafts that I started writing and never posted because I just couldn't decide what to say, with all the current world events and how I was feeling emotionally and mentally, (kind of all over the place), so....it has been quite awhile since I updated on where I'm at in my health journey. When I last posted here, I talked about DNRS and what a difference it was making for me. I am very happy to say that, even with the world being turned upside down, I was still able to keep that new level of health I had reached, and I am now doing better than ever. That's not to say there haven't been a lot of ups and downs, and some really low lows, but I really believe that I healed my root cause issues. 2 years ago, I was working on treating anxiety, SIBO, low stomach acid, HPA axis dysfunction a.k.a. adrenal fatigue (the most severe my doctor had seen on paper), other hormonal issues, and more, all at the same time; it was challenging...
"I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." {John 10:10} Tasting Life Abundant is the way I see my life; as a Christian, everything wonderful and good I experience is a "foretaste of glory divine" that points me to my Heavenly Father in praise and reminds me of the joy that is yet to come.. I want this to be a place where others can be encouraged and inspired on their own journey.