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Showing posts from December, 2019

Health and Wellness Update

 I had a doctor appointment yesterday,  and I've been treating SIBO again for the last three weeks.  Treating SIBO again was not fun, but I didn't have any die off symptoms, and after the usual "mourning period" I always go through, it wasn't really all that hard.  I've done elimination diets/special diets so many times now that I know that I will always be able to eat something and that I will get through it, but I still have what I call the mourning period where, usually one or two days into the diet, I feel really discouraged and disappointed and cry about not being to eat freely. It usually lasts a day or two now. And then I feel guilty because at least I have access to healthy, whole foods and a variety of options that people in many countries do not have. And then I let it go and move forward and it goes alot better. But it seems no matter how many times I go through a special diet as treatment,  there is always this little mourning period, so now I ju