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Showing posts from May, 2019

WhatIEat#40 (SIBO/low carb)

Pancakes, eggs and bacon 😍 For me! I havent perfected a SIBO diet pancake yet, but these were the best I've made so far. I love it when I get to eat the same thing as the rest of my family, and Sophie has been learning to cook lately and making pancakes is her favorite,  so Saturday morning we all enjoyed this lovely breakfast. Ok, the pancakes they ate weren't the exact same recipe as the ones I ate, but at least our plates looked the same. 😊 Homemade bone broth, with pink salt and turmeric is what I reach for if I want to stretch my "fasting" a little longer in the morning without stressing my adrenals. It provides nutrients like minerals in the salt and protein in the broth and it is very healing for the gut, plus its filling, and its a liquid so helps keep you hydrated. Win! And it's delicious too. Last night's dinner-Date Night-  My first restaurant meal since January/starting SIBO treatment. Blackened salmon with a lemon butter caper sa

This Is A New Day

Between treating for SIBO and my new routine/practice for a renewed mindset, I have been feeling so much happier and optimistic and physically well lately. My husband keeps saying "I'm so happy/thankful you're feeling better." Me too.❤ That doesn't mean everything is perfect, or that I am totally and completely better. We are still working on balancing hormones (waiting on test results coming in June) and I have along way to go diet-wise, adding foods back in. I am still taking the herbal antimicrobials to kill off bad gut bacteria, and adding in probiotics slowly to repopulate my gut microbiome. And I have to stay committed to my new routine and filling my mind with positive thoughts and truth and recognizing when old habits try to sneak back in. BUT, there are alot of things that are so much better, such as: My anxiety. I didnt even realize how much of what I was feeling was anxiety until I started listening to The Anxiety Guy on Youtube, but once I did


These nuts are my new favorite thing! So addicting. What's special about them? I soaked all of them, and sprouted the almonds (which just required a longer soaking). Pictured are  almonds with the peels intact, black sesame seeds, pecans, and "naked" almonds. It's very easy to pop the almonds out of their skins after they've been soaking for two days. Soaking the nuts is important, especially when you're trying to heal your gut, because it makes them much more digestible, due to reducing enzyme inhibitors and phytic acid, and making the nutrients more available to your body. I am truly amazed at the difference it has made for me! I have been eating quite a few of these nuts every day, because they are SO delicious this way, and I have not had any indigestion due to it. And it is so easy too. I fill about a third of a quart size mason jar with nuts pour in about a tablespoon of salt and then fill the jar with lukewarm water. And then you just let it sit on t