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Showing posts from January, 2019

Good For You

I have been focusing on supporting my body after going through the holidays and eating some things that I don't normally eat, and going to six family Christmas parties in nine days. I'm not obsessing about it or feeling guilty, I just want to make sure that I continue giving my body what it needs to encourage healing and low inflammation and good health. So many times people get "off track" during the holidays and then end up staying "off track" for quite awhile...and then end up paying for it big time in a month or two. Did you know, ladies, that a lot of times we end up having our worst periods in January and/or February because of all the late nights partying and sugar/carb binges that happen around Thanksgiving and Christmas? Yeah...bummer. It's so easy to just think "Oh one more day of splurging on treats isn't going to hurt anything at this point", or "just one more tiny peanut butter ball can't be too bad, right?"


I have not posted my meals for a long time...the amount of food pictures on my phone is a tiny bit overwhelming. Lol I am not going to comment on each one like I usually do. As usual though, everything is gluten free and also anything I eat is also soy free, corn free, low lectin as much as I can, no cow dairy,- only goat milk and cheese- and low sugar. I also try to stick with coconut flour over almond flour. Some of the holiday treats were not paleo, (they were gluten free but not grain free and and some had refined sugar), so I only had a very limited amount of those. The peanut butter balls were a splurge too, since I avoid peanuts, but oh they were amazing and hey, it was Christmas! Our Thanksgiving meal was delicious, especially the homemade gluten free stuffing. And the birthday cakes...oh yum. But as you can see, I balanced the treats with salads, soups, and lots of other healthy protein and veggies. And lemon or lime water, and sauerkraut too. I feel extremely blessed to

Listening To My Body

I fasted for 41 hours this past week. I'm pretty pleased I was able to do it, and it wasn't even that difficult for the most part. I do intermittent fasting quite often, which is fasting for between 16-18 hours, including overnight sleeping time, so I am used to fasting for that long at least. My body has just been craving greens and a reset. I made a smoothie the other day because I was chopping veggies for soup and I just kept thinking about a smoothie (it began several days prior actually) and I couldn't ignore that my body was just really telling me it needed that. And I don't even like smoothies. But the wild blueberries and raw spinach, carrot, celery, avocado, and cinnamon made me feel fantastic 🤩 Likewise, I've been considering a doing longer fast for quite some time now, and I woke up last Friday and just went with it. I had had a little snack Thursday night, so counting from 9:30pm, I already had almost 12 hours of fasting in. I drank lots and lot