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Showing posts from October, 2018

Meet Millie

Here she is, our new adventure, Millie the dachshund. She is a red dapple mini dachshund.  We got her when she was 7.5 weeks old, she is now 10 weeks. She is a very smart little girl; even the vet said so yesterday at her first appointment. Which us good for training because she catches on quick but can be hard because when she has negative experiences she remembers them. We noticed this already a few days after brought her home.  We were playing fetch with her with a ball, which she was loving, but then she accidentally overextended her jaw a bit and got the ball stuck in her mouth. She refused to touch the ball for over a week afterward. She loves to play fetch and tug of war and have her tummy rubbed. She is a big snuggler. She also loves exploring our yard, especially to find the places where our cats have left parts of dead mice...yuck.  This is the first picture we saw of Millie. We had to drive three hours to go meet her. We left the kids with my parents in case w

Life Update // A New Adventure

Well, we got a couple good weeks of homeschooling in, I was feeling good, and then, for some reason, we decided to totally turn our lives upside down. We got a puppy.🐕 A dachshund puppy. Our first ever indoor dog; actually, first indoor pet of any kind since we got married. 👫 I have mixed emotions about it. I did it for the kids.👧👦 The last few months have been hard for them; they've really been feeling the loss of their Grandma. Plus Sophie has still been very sad about losing her special cat Milo, who just didn't come home one day, and she didn't get to say goodbye. And before that, Milo's brother Otis, Nathaniel's special cat, got sick and we had to out him down, which was heartbreaking for them. I wanted to give them something that will hopefully be a little more permanent than a "free range" outdoor pet. I wanted to bring some joy into our family's life, especially to Sophie and Nathaniel, and have an adventure together.👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 B