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Showing posts from November, 2017

I Don't Know

**This post  was written almost two weeks ago, but I forgot to come back and put it in the blog. So here it is now. I don't have a specific topic to write about at the moment, but I feel like writing, so we'll see where this goes. I know I haven't been posting much lately. Part of that is because I don't have as much stuff to work through as I did when I started this. Part of it is because I'm busy. And part of it is because I don't always know what to say. It's hard to share sometimes when things can be so up and down. The last two days I've been feeling really good, for which I am so thankful. Ever since my last flare-up, there have been a lot of symptoms that presented themselves again and it's very difficult sometimes to keep the anxiety and despair under control. It's also really hard not to start thinking "I am crazy. There's just no other explanation." But things come and go and it seems that to some extent, things just